أ.د . أحمد جاسم محمد

كلية العلوم - قسم الكيمياء


Dr Ahmed Jasim M Al-Karawi

Professor of Inorganic chemistry at Al-Mustansiriya University, College of Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry

1. Postdoc., University of Jena/ Germany (2016) (Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of clusters containing a {Cu3(µ3-OH)} core).
2. Postdoc. , Kansas state university/ USA (2013) (Synthesis of molybdenum and tungsten oxide based nanoclusters with unique properties).
3. Postdoc., University of Bielefeld/ Germany (2011 – 2013), (Synthesis of molybdenum and tungsten oxide based nanoclusters with unique properties).
4. PhD (Inorganic Chemistry) - University of Baghdad (2007). The experimental part has been done at Newcastle University/ School of Natural Science / UK.
5. M.Sc. )Polymer Chemistry) - University of Baghdad (2003).
6. B.Sc. in Chemistry Science – University of Baghdad (2000).