أ.د . أحمد حسون علي

كلية الهندسة - قسم هندسة البيئة


Dear Followers/ Readers
I'm Ahmed Hassoon Ali. I work for Mustansiriyah University/ College of Engineering/ Environmental Engineering Department from 2006. I'm Assistant Professor and hold BSc, MSc, and Ph.D in Environmental Engineering. I have more than 30 researches published in most familiar publishing houses such as Elsevier, Springier and Taylor and Frances in addition to local journals. My researches covered almost all fields of environment (water/wastewater treatment, air pollution and control, bioenergy and biofuel, etc.). Furthermore, I have 5 patents in bioenergy, biogas and compost production, etc.
I teach Water Treatment-third stage, Environmental Impact Assessment-Fourth stage, Geographic Information System GIS- Second stage and Solid and Hazardous Waste management for MSC.
I welcoming my students and researchers in my profile and ready to give any assist in my field.
Sincerely thanks