أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم

كلية التربية - قسم الحاسبات

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2022-09 Baghdad Science Journal أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Interior Visual Intruders Detection Module Based on Multi-Connect Architecture MCA Associative Memory 1
scopus 2022-08 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Optimal CPU Jobs Scheduling Method Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm 2
scopus 2022-06 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Integrated tripartite modules for intelligent traffic light system 3
other_w 2018-12 International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Intelligent Recommendation Module for Emergency Vehicles 4
other_w 2018-12 American Journal of Artificial Intelligence أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Traffic Light Controller Module Based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 5
other_w 2018-02 International Journal of Scientific Research and Management أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Intelligent Recommendation module for more than one emergency vehicles node to destination node 6
thomson 2012-01 Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Multi-Connect Architecture (MCA) associative memory: A modified hopfield neural network 7
thomson 2006-07 Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation, 2006 International Conference on أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Gray Image Recognition Using Hopfield Neural Network With Multi-Bitplane and Multi-Connect Architecture 8
other_w 2014-04 IJIPM: International Journal of Information Processing and Management أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم An intelligent traffic light monitor system using an adaptive associative memory 9
science 2016-02-01 IJERAT أ.د . عماد عيسى عبدالكريم Novel Hetero-Associative Memory: A Modified Bidirectional Associative Memory 10