أ.د . خالد علي حسين

كلية التربية - قسم الحاسبات

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2020-04 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science أ.د . خالد علي حسين Parallelizable cipher of color image based on two-dimensional chaotic system 1
scopus 2019-12 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences أ.د . خالد علي حسين A Parallel Programming for Robust Chaotic Map Generation Based on Two Dimensional Equation System 2
scopus 2019-06 IEEE أ.د . خالد علي حسين Proposed Parallel Algorithms to Encryption Image Based on Hybrid Enhancement RC5 and RSA 3
scopus 2019-03 IEEE أ.د . خالد علي حسين a new permutation-substitution scheme based on henon chaotic map for image encryption 4
other_w 2015-08 IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) أ.د . خالد علي حسين Parallel Hybrid Algorithm of Bisection and Newton-Raphson Methods to Find Non-Linear Equations Roots 5
other_w 2011-05 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security أ.د . خالد علي حسين The Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial for Neural Network Learning 6
local 2018-12 Iraqi Journal of Information Technology أ.د . خالد علي حسين RPTPA: Random Pattern Technique Based Password Authentication 7
local 2015-02 Iraqi Journal of Information Technology أ.د . خالد علي حسين A New Approach to Find Roots of Nonlinear Equations by Hybrid Algorithm to Bisection and Newton-Raphson Algorithms 8
scopus 2016-05-10 IEEE Xplore Digital Library أ.د . خالد علي حسين Parallel radial basis function neural networks to solve the polynomials equations 9