أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم

كلية الصيدلة - فرع العلوم المختبرية السريرية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
thomson 2023-03 Water أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Theoretical Analysis of an Integrated, CPVT Membrane Distillation System for Cooling, Heating, Power and Seawater Desalination 1
scopus 2015-10 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Handwriting word recognition based on neural networks 2
other_w 2015-10 International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم ACRS: Arabic Character Recognition System Based on Multi Features Extraction Methods 3
other_w 2015-03 International Journal of Emerging Tendrs and Technology in Computer Sciences أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Propose a simple and practical vehicle logo detection and extraction framework 4
thomson 2015-11 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Handwriting Word Recognition Based on SVM Classifier 5
local 2016-01 Eng. &Tech. Journal أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم An efficient image thresholding method for Arabic handwriting recognition system 6
local 2016-07 Diyala Journal For Pure Science أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم An Efficient Preprocessing Framework for Arabic Handwriting Recognition System 7
scopus 2016-10 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Arabic handwriting text recognition based on efficient segmentation, DCT and HOG features 8
local 2017-04 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم An Accurate Handwritten Digits Recognition system Based on DWT and FCT 9
other_w 2018-06 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم An Accurate Diabetes Prediction System Based on K-means Clustering and Proposed Classification Approach 10
local 2018-03 Journal of College of Education أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم The Weighted Feature Selection Method 11
local 2022-03 المجلة العراقية للبحوث الهندسية العلمية أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم New Efficient Bluetooth Authentication Scheme 12
thomson 2019-03 International Arab Journal of Information Technology أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Offline Isolated Arabic Handwriting Character Recognition System Based on SVM 13
scopus 2019-02 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon) أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Sound Detection Technology and Heron’s Law for Secure Monitoring System 14
scopus 2020-12 International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Lung Segmentation Using Proposed Deep Learning Architecture 15
scopus 2021-01 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم An accurate signature verification system based on proposed HSC approach and ANN architecture 16
scopus 2021-02 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Palmprint recognition system based on proposed features extraction and (c5.0) decision tree, k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classification approaches 17
scopus 2023-03 Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics أ.م.د . مصطفى سلام كاظم Handwritten signature identification based on MobileNets model and support vector machine classifier 18