أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي

كلية العلوم - قسم الفيزياء

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
local 2023-08 Journal of the College of Basic Education أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Detection of Traffic Signs using feature based on Speed Up Robust method 1
scopus 2023-06 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Real Night-time Road Sign Detection by the Use of Cascade Object Detector 2
scopus 2023-03 IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Mathematical Model for Predicting the Appropriate Angle in Target Tracking System 3
scopus 2023-01 2022 Iraqi International Conference on Communication and Information Technologies (IICCIT) أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي The Evaluation of Cascade Object Detector in Recognizing Different Samples of Road Signs 4
scopus 2022-12 AIP conference Proceeding أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Water Depth Estimation by analyzing Laser Spot Images Using Digital Image Processing Technique 5
scopus 2023-02 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Evaluation of Object Detectors in Recognizing Crossroad Intersection Triangle Sign 6
scopus 2022-09 Next Generation of Internet of Things. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Image Processing Technique in Measuring Underwater Target's Properties 7
scopus 2021-10 AIP Conference Proceedings أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Geometrical models for simulating the properties of underwater bodies using digital image processing 8
scopus 9-3-2021 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Using Digital Image Processing in analyzing Air Pollutants' Effects for two Smoke Types Upon a Colored Tested Image 9
other_w November 30, 2012 LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي A study of diurnal variation of solar radiation over Baghdad city 10
scopus 19-11-2020 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 928 أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Digital Analytical Study toward Air Pollution Effect Upon an Absorption Spectrum for Different Color Pigments 11
scopus 21-8-2020 Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي A Statistical Analysis Algorithm for Brain Waves' Quality Assessment 12
scopus 2020-02 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT) أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي The role of Increasing the Number of Iterations for Numerical Methods upon Digital Image 13
other_w 1-4-2019 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 14 (9): 2960-2963, 2019 أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Quality Assessment for Delta and Theta Binaural Beats 14
scopus 2018 Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Gamma Binaural Beats and its Quality Assessment 15
other_w 2011 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology (IJACST) أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Utilization of statistical estimators to simulate intensity variation throughout clear daylight in March 16
other_w 2012 Journal of signal and information processing أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي An analytical algorithm for scattering type determination under different weather conditions 17
other_w 2013 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي A Comparison in Colored Text Enhancement 18
other_w 2015 Journal of Information Security (JIS) أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Which bit is better in Least Significant Bit? 19
other_w 2015 ِAmerican Journal of Signal Processing أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Image Quality Assessment for Defocused Blur Images 20
other_w 2016 Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي New Approach for Iris Feature Extraction 21
other_w 2016 Journal of Applied Sciences Research أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي How Does the Statistical Features Distribute Within Human Iris Texture? 22
other_w 2012 Atti Della FONDAZIONE GIORGIO RONCHI أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Equinoxes assessment on images formed by solar radiation at different apertures by using contrast technique 23
other_w 2012 Atti Della FONDAZIONE GIORGIO RONCHI أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Diurnal daylight illuminance measurements for a tilted optical system 24
other_w 2011 Atti Della FONDAZIONE GIORGIO RONCHI أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Effects of intensity analysis of a colored text image under clear sky daylight 25
other_w 2010 Atti Della FONDAZIONE GIORGIO RONCHI أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Digital image testing and analysis of solar radiation variation with time in Baghdad city 26
local 2017 Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and Computer أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Spectral Analysis for Polychromatic Light Sources and Drinking Water Samples By Using Blind Quality Assessment 27
local 2013 مجلة علوم المستنصرية أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Diurnal Variation of Some Statistical Estimators with Time 28
local 2002 مجلة علوم المستنصرية أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي A new measure for degree of coherence for laser speckle pattern 29
scopus 2016 Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي New Approach for Iris Feature Extraction 30
scopus 2015 Arabian Gulf Journal of Scientific Research (AGJSR) أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Quality Determination for Drinking Water by Using Image Quality Assessment 31
scopus 2012 Journal of Optics, Springer أ.م.د . فاتن عزت محي الدين علي Scattering effects upon test image inside a designing system facing the equator 32