أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي

كلية العلوم - قسم الفيزياء

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2014-12 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Simulation and Design of Multilayer Interference Filters of Coloured Glazed Thermal Solar Collectors for Different Design Wavelengths 1
other_w 2014-12 Advances in Physics Theories and Applications أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Using Lognormal Function to Measure Negative Chromatic Dispersion of Broadband Photonic Crystal Fiber 2
other_w 2014-12 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي https://www.academia.edu/download/34249315/IJAIEM-2014-06-27-58.pdf 3
other_w 2014-12 Advances in Physics Theories and Applications أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي No-Reference Quality Assessment of the Gaussian Blur Image Depending on Local Standard Deviation 4
scopus 2021-02 INASS أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Medical Images Enhanced by Using Fuzzy Logic Depending on Contrast Stretch Membership Function 5
local 2012-12 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Replacement Noise with High Density Removed Depending On Adaptive Median Filter 6
local 2014-12 University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Study Algorithms which Assessed Quality of the Blurred Images 7
local 2016-12 Journal of University of Babylon أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي تحسين الصورة الرقمية بإستخدام معايير الجودة 8
other_w 2016-12 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Color Image Enhancement using Modify Retinex and Histogram Equalization Algorithms Depending on a Bright Channel Prior 9
local 2016-12 Journal of College of Education أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/download/61/47 10
local 2017-12 Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Images Enhancement for Low Lightness by Using Hybrid Retinex Wavelet Methods 11
other_w 2017-12 مؤتمرات الآداب والعلوم الانسانية والطبيعية أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Color image enhancement based on nonlinear filter and retinex algorithm 12
other_w 2020-12 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي White Blood Cell Detection Depending on Binary Analysis Based on Red, Blue and Hue Components 14
scopus 2020-12 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Color Image Enhancement Depending on Fuzzy Logic and Nonlinear Transform 15
scopus 2020-12 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Automatic Cytoplasm and Nucleus detection in the white blood cells depending on hisogram analysis 16
scopus 2020-12 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/928/7/072081/meta 17
scopus 2020-12 AIP Conference Proceedings أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي ON/OFF switch control of smart home prototype using palm and fist hand gesture 18
other_w 2013-12 IISTE أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Theoretical Measuring for Negative Chromatic Dispersion Curves of Photonic Crystal Fiber by Gaussian Function 19
local 2014-12 Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Educatio أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Deblurring average blur by using adaptive Lucy Richardson 20
local 2018-12 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Study Fire Detection Based On Color Spaces 21
scopus 2020-12 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Quality of medical microscope Image at different lighting condition 22
scopus 2020-12 International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Colour image enhancement by fuzzy logic based on sigmoid membership function 23
scopus 2018-12 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي SMOKE DETECTION BASED ON IMAGE PROCESSING BY USING GREY AND TRANSPARENCY FEATURES 24
local 2018-12 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Enhancement of the Underwater Images Using Modified Retinex Algorithm 25
scopus 2018-12 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Improving an Illumination System in the Microscopic Imaging of Nuclear Tracks Using Light Emitting Diode. 26
local 2018-12 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Blurred Image Restoration with Unknown Point Spread Function 27
scopus 2019-12 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Low lightness enhancement using nonlinear filter based on power function 28
scopus 2019-12 IOP conference series: materials science and engineering أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Reconstruction the illumination pattern of the optical microscope to improve image fidelity obtained with the CR-39 detector 29
scopus 2019-12 IOP conference series: materials science and engineering أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Underwater image enhancement using colour restoration based on YCbCr colour model 30
scopus 2018-12 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Pupil detection based on color difference and circular hough transform 31
scopus 2016-10-01 AL- Mustansiriya J. Sci أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Aerial Image Enhancement Using Modified Fast Visibility Restoration Based on Sigmoid Function 32
local 2010-10-01 AL- Mustansiriya J. Sci أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي High Lightness Image Enhancement Using Adaptive Histogram Equalization Algorithm‏ 33
local 2014-10-01 J.Thi-Qar Sci أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Study Algorithms which Assessed Quality of the Blurred Images 34
local 2018-12 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development أ.د . حازم كاطع دواي Enhancement of the Underwater Images Using Modified Retinex Algorithm‏ 35