أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد

كلية التربية الاساسية - قسم الرياضيات

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2021-11 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Using Leray-Schauder topological degree to solve a linear diffusion parabolic equation with periodic initial conditions 1
scopus 2021-09 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد The existence of periodic solutions to doubly degenerate Allen-Cahn equation with Neumann boundary condition 2
scopus 2021-09 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Uniform stability of integro-differential inequalities with nonlinear control inputs and delay 3
scopus 2021-09 Baghdad Science Journal أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Numerical Solutions of Two-Dimensional Vorticity Transport Equation Using Crank-Nicolson Method 4
scopus 2021-09 Journal of Physics Conference Series أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Fredholm Integro Differential Equations using Fifth Order Runge-kutta Method 5
scopus 2021-09 Iraqi journal of Science أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Blow-up Properties of a Coupled System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations 6
scopus 2021-01 Baghdad Science Journal أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد On blow-up solutions of a parabolic system coupled in both equations and boundary conditions 7
scopus 2019-02 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Blow-Up Rate Estimates for a System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Gradient Terms 8
scopus 2019-04 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Deriving the General Laplace Inversion Formula using Complex Integration Results and its Applications in Solving Partial Differential Equations 9
scopus 2019-04 AIP Conference Proceedings أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Numerical solutions of a linear age-structured population model 10
scopus 2019-05 IEEE أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Some Characteristics of Sand and Dust Storm Sources in Iraq 11
scopus 2019-08 AIP Conference Proceedings أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Some Results for the Vorticity Transport Equation by using A.D.I Scheme 12
scopus 2019-09 IOP journal of physics أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Blow-up Set and Upper Rate Estimate for A Semilinear Heat Equation 13
scopus 2020-01 Iraqi journal of Science أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Blow-up Rate Estimates and Blow-up Set for a System of Two Heat Equations with Coupled Nonlinear Neumann Boundary Conditions 14
scopus 2020-05 Iraqi journal of Science أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Deriving The Upper Blow-up Rate Estimate for a Parabolic Problem 15
scopus 2020-08 Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Numerical blow-up time and growth rate of a reaction-diffusion equation 16
scopus 2020-08 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد ON Numerical Blow-Up Solutions of Semilinear Heat Equations 17
other_w 2012-11 University of Sussex , England, UK أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد On Blow-up Solutions of Parabolic Problems 18
other_w 2017-09 International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد ON THE SOLUTIONS OF WAVE EQUATION IN THREE DIMENSIONS USING D'ALEMBERT FORMULA 19
other_w 2014-10 IJMA أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Using Crank-Niclson Method to Compute the Numerical Blow-up Time of a Semilinear Parabolic Problem 20
other_w 2016-02 Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد Blow-up Time for a Semilinear Heat Equation with a Gradient Term 21
local 2015-01 Journal of colloge of Basic education أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد On Blow-up set of a Semilinear Heat Equation with Neumann Boundary Condition 22
local 2016-01 Journal of college of Scince, Mustanserya university أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد On Blow-up Solutions and Times Of a Fourth Order Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation 23
other_w 2016-08 Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد On Blow-up Time and Rate Of The Numerical Solutions of The Semilinear Heat Equation with Reaction Term 24
other_w 2016-12 Global Journal of Mathematics أ.د . معن عبد الكاظم رشيد On Two Preys and Two Predators Model with Prey Migration and Predator Switching 25