أ.د . علي عكاب جودة

كلية الطب - فرع الجراحة

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
local 2022-06 mustansiriyah medical journal أ.د . علي عكاب جودة cosmetic and functional outcomes of single-stage feminizing genitoplasty in chlidtren with congenital adrenal hyperplasia 1
scopus 2021-07 The Lancet أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Mortality from gastrointestinal congenital anomalies at 264 hospitals in 74 low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries: a multicentre, international, prospective cohort study 3
scopus 2021-01 Surgical practice أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Triplication of small bowel eith perforated peptic ulcer 4
scopus 2020-04 International journal of surgery open أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Evaluation of risk factors for secondary phimosis in children 5
scopus 2019-06 Updates in surgery أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Outcomes of end to side oblique anastomosis as a surgical technique for jejunoileal atresia 6
scopus 2019-12 Annals of pediatric surgery أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Propranolol therapy in infantile hemangioma: correlation of age and duration of treatment to outcomes 7
other_w 2019-10 World journal of pediatric surgery أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Five different cases of ectopic testes in children: self experience with literature review 8
other_w 2018-02 Journal of surgery open access أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Abdominal wall endometrioma at laparoscopic port site: case report with litreture review 9
other_w 2018-01 Scholar journal of medical case report أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Rapunzel syndrome trichbezoar in a 4-year old boy: an unusual case report with review of litreture 10
science 2017-11-10 American journal of pediatrics أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Ultrasound guided pneumatic reduction of intussusception: a clinical experience from Baghdad 11
local 2017-03-16 Iraqi posrgraduate medical journal أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Amyand,s hernia in 9 month old infant case report and review of lireture 12
local 2016-09-15 Mustansiriyah medical journal أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Pancreatic pseudocyst in a 4 year old boy case report and review of litreture 13
scopus 2017-02-19 Journal of pediatric surgery case report أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Splenogonadal fussion as a cause of left undesceded testis case report and review of literature 14
scopus 2017-03-23 Journal of pediatric surgery أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Efficacy of GTN ointment in the treatment of pediatric anal fissure 15
local 2017-01-12 Iraqi medical journal أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Detection of H pylori in patients with colitis ulcerative and non ulcerative 16
local 2017-03-10 Iraqi journal for medical sciences أ.د . علي عكاب جودة GOMCO Clamp circumcision in neonates and infants a preliminary experience in iraq 17
local 2016-07-20 Iraqi medical journal أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Complications of stoma in patients with anorectal malformation 18
local 2016-04-14 Mustansiriyah medical journal أ.د . علي عكاب جودة Are prophylactic antibiotics justified in pediatric patients with inguinal hernia repar? 19