أ.م . رحيم جعفر عزيز

كلية التربية الاساسية - قسم العلوم

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2022-09 NEUROQUANTOLOGY أ.م . رحيم جعفر عزيز Measurement of the Radioactivity Levels of Radon-222 for Bottled Mineral Drinking Water in Baghdad City and Assessment of Potential Health Effects for Consumers 1
scopus 2020-12 Journal of Globa Phrma Technology أ.م . رحيم جعفر عزيز Phytochemical properties and Antioxidant activity of pollen of typha demingenis pers.grew inmarshes of maysan govemorate southem of Iraq 2
local 2015-12 Journal of the College of Basic Education أ.م . رحيم جعفر عزيز Diselosurte of some mineral elements in aluminum utensils used in cooking 3
local 2018-12 Journal of the College of Basic Education أ.م . رحيم جعفر عزيز Evalution of quality of drinking water in the area of Saba Qusour Rusafa/Baghdad 4
scopus 2018-11 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences أ.م . رحيم جعفر عزيز Assessment of Air Pollution and some Heavy Metals for selected Areas in baghdad city 5
local 2016-12 International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences أ.م . رحيم جعفر عزيز Study of some drugs as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel 6