أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور

كلية التربية الاساسية - قسم التربية البدنية و علوم الرياضة

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
local 2022-01 مجلة علوم الرياضة جامعة بابل أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور تصميم مقياس الأداء الوظيفي لمدرسي التربية الرياضية من وجهة نظر مدراء المدارس في مديرية تربية بغداد 1
local 2022-07 المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الاول قياس نواتج التدريب والتعلم تحت شعار (( القياس والتقويم وسيلتنا للتطور في المستوى وتحقيق الانجاز أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور تأثير أنموذج دينز وفق وسائل سمعية بصرية في تعلم بعض المهارات بكرة القدم 2
local 2013-10-10 Journal of the Faculty of Basic Education University of Mustansiriya أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور Evaluation of teaching performance and verbal verbal interaction of communication skills among physical education teachers 3
local 2010-06-09 Journal of the University of Kirkuk for Humanities أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور Principles of evaluation of the outputs of scientific lessons in the lesson of physical education By the applicable student 4
local 2010-01-20 Conference of the Faculty of Basic Education / 12th Mustansiriya University under the slogan (Teacher ... the message of building and peace in society) أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور Effect of teaching strategies on investment of learning time for educational units of the lesson of physical education 5
nature 2015-06-02 Swedish Journal of Physical Sciences أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور The impact of an educational program using the differentiated learning method in the development of concentration of attention and skill of scoring football 6
local 2017-07-10 The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research • Vol. 3 • Issue 6 • June 2016 أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور The effect of the use of various exercises using rubber resistors associated with some of the means of illustration by blocking vision in developing the accuracy of scoring football 7
local 2017-07-11 Journal of the Faculty of Basic Education University of Mustansiriya Scientific Volume أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور The effect of different levels of plait exercises in the development of some kinetic abilities and their relation to the accuracy of the scoring of football 8
local 2013-05-15 Journal of Faculty of Physical Education Karbala University أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور Effect of educational units according to a som strategy in the academic achievement of teaching methods Athletes in the third stage of the Faculty of Basic Education 9
local 2016-08-25 The First Scientific Conference, Halabja University أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور The effectiveness of the learning strategy by contracting in the style of self-revision in learning and retaining some football skills 10
nature 2015-09-09 Swedish Journal of Physical Sciences أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور The effect of the overlap of the variable random method in the development of some of the motor and skill abilities of football players 11
local 2017-09-06 Journal of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Diyala أ.د . اسماعيل عبد زيد عاشور Effect of effective leadership teaching strategy on the problem solving method in the development of creative thinking and skill level in the football of the halls 12