م . نورا زاوار يوسف

كلية الصيدلة - الدراسات الاولية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
science 2021-07 materialstodays: processdings م . نورا زاوار يوسف Fabrication and characterization of new combination ocular insert for the combined delivery of tinidazole and levofloxacin 1
other_w 2021-07 Technological Innovation in Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 8 م . نورا زاوار يوسف Chlorpheniramine Maleate Pediatric Oral Strip: Methodology and Characterization 2
local 2020-12 Al Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences م . نورا زاوار يوسف Types of Attractive Dosage Forms for Primary School Students and Associated Factors in Baghdad/ Iraq 3
scopus 2018-01 asian journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research م . نورا زاوار يوسف DESIGN AND CHARACTERIZATION OF OROSLIPPERY BUOYANT TABLETS FOR RANITIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE 4
scopus 2020-07 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences م . نورا زاوار يوسف An Innovative Mucoadhesive Thermosensitive In situ Gelling Liquid Suppository of Metoclopramide Hydrocloride for Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting Associated with Diseases 5
scopus 2018-12 Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 12, 2018, 548-554 م . نورا زاوار يوسف OPTIMIZATION AND EVALUATION OF CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE ORAL STRIP FOR PEDIATRIC USE 6
scopus 2016-03-09 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research م . نورا زاوار يوسف Solubility enhancement, formulation and evaluation of furosemide stomach specific mucoadhesive tablet 7
other_w 2015-02 World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research م . نورا زاوار يوسف OPTIMIZATION AND EVALUATION OF METOCLOPRAMIDE HCl AS MUCOADHESIVE BUCCAL PATCH 8