أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي

كلية الآداب - قسم اللغة الانكليزية وآدابها

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2023-05 Discourse and Society أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي ‘Relatively civilized, relatively European’: Offence and online (de)normalization of media racism 1
scopus 2022-02 Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Impoliteness in Twitter diplomacy: offence giving and taking in Middle East diplomatic crises 2
other_w 2021-12 فعليّات المعرفة اللغوية (كتاب محرر صادر عن دار كنوز المعرفة) أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي الموطىء الحواري-Footing (بحث مترجم) 3
nature 2021-09 When Politicians Talk The Cultural Dynamics of Public Speaking (Edited volume published by Springer Nature) أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Qur’anifying Public Political Discourse: ‎ Islamic Culture and Religious Rhetoric in Arabic Public Speaking 4
other_w 2021-03 International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Recontextualization and Proverbiality: Pragmatic Analysis of ‎Arabic and English Proverbs 5
scopus 2020-05 Lingua أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Collective pragmatic acting in networked spaces: The case of #activism in Arabic and English Twitter discourse 6
scopus 2020-06 Discourse, Context and Media أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Creating realities across languages and modalities: Multimodal recontextualization in the translation of online news reports 7
local 2019-04 شيعة العراق بعد 2003 الرؤى والمسارات (بحث في كتاب لمجموعة باحثين) أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي المظلومية في الخطاب السياسي الشيعي وآليات إعادة إنتاجها في الاعلام الرقمي 8
local 2012-09-21 Journal of the College of Basic Education, University of Mustansiriyah أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي A Pragmatic Approach to Literary Interpretation of fiction with reference to the Merchant of Venice 9
local 2013-02-06 Mustansiriyah Arts Journal أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Presupposition Making as Truth Seeking Technique: A Pragmatic Approach to Investigation Discourse 10
other_w 2014-10 Proceedings of the 2nd American Pragmatics Conference, Los Angeles, California: University of California Los Angeles أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Power and Rapport Management in Arabic Political Discourse Produced in Mainstream and Social Media 11
other_w 2016-02 Discourse and Social Media (Edited volume published by Routledge) أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي The Pursuit of Power in Political Discourse: Unpacking the construction of sociopolitical communities 12
scopus 2016-11 Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 4 (2), 297-323 أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Fuelling ethno-sectarian conflicts: (De)legitimization and impoliteness in readers’ responses in an Arab online media 13
other_w 2016-06 University of Leicester Library أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي The Conflict for Power in the Iraqi Political Discourse across Mainstream media and Social Media: (De)legitimization, rapport, sociopolitical identities and impoliteness 14
scopus 2017-03 Discourse & Society 28 (2), 119-141 أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي Legitimizing ethno-sectarian conflicts for power: Construction of victimhood and disenfranchisement in Iraqi media interactions 15
scopus 2015-03 Journal of Multicultural Discourses 10 (2), 163-179 أ.م.د . ذوالفقار حسين محي The pursuit of power in Iraqi political discourse: Unpacking the construction of sociopolitical communities on Facebook 16