أ . عبير انور احمد

كلية الطب - فرع الباثولوجي

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2022-09 Revista bionatura أ . عبير انور احمد Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A retrospective study of clinical and patho- logical features 1
science 2022-06 Iraqi journal of hematology أ . عبير انور احمد Comparison between H63D and G71D gene mutation effects on iron overload in Iraqi patients with β-thalassemia major: A case–control study 2
science 2022-06 Iraqi journal of hematology أ . عبير انور احمد Evaluation of serum level of lymphoid enhancer‑binding factor‑1 and its relation with clinico‑hematological and prognostic parameters in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia 3
scopus 2021-09 revistabionatura أ . عبير انور احمد Potential effect of Imatinib on some sex hormones for male patients of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in Baghdad province 5
local 2018-12 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics ا أ . عبير انور احمد Immunohistochemical Expression of CD27 in Bone Marrow Biopsies of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients 6
scopus 2019-03 Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development أ . عبير انور احمد Immunohistochemical Expression of CD26 in Bone Marrow Biopsies of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients 7
other_w 2017-12 International Journal of Current Research أ . عبير انور احمد Study of JAK2 V617F mutation, serum B12 level and interleukin – 23 level in polycythemia vera 8
scopus 2021-08 biochem.cell.arch. أ . عبير انور احمد Assessment of some hematological and biochemical parameters for COVID-19 patients in Baghdad province 9
local 2014-12 Iraqi Medical Journal أ . عبير انور احمد Imatinib Mesylate Related Immunolological Changes in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia 10
scopus 2021-01 Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology أ . عبير انور احمد DNMT3A Gene Polymorphismin Iraqi Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients and its Relation to Prognostic Factors and Response to Therapy 11
local 2019-12 Iraqi journal of cancer and Medical Genetics أ . عبير انور احمد Assessment of some regulatory proteins CD35 and CD55 in beta thalassemia patients 12
thomson 2020-11 Iraqi journal of hematology أ . عبير انور احمد Evaluation of interleukin _35 and interleukin _10 in adult acute myeloid leukemia patients before and after induction chemotherapy 13
scopus 2020-12 Biochem. Cell. Arch. أ . عبير انور احمد Polymorphisim of TET2 gene among Iraqi acute myeloid leukemia patients 14
scopus 2020-08 European Journal of Molecular and Clinical medicine أ . عبير انور احمد Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (VEGFR2) gene polymorphism and treatment outcome following imatinib therapy in Iraqi patients with chronic myeloid leukemia 15
thomson 2020-09 Iraqi journal of hematology أ . عبير انور احمد Growth-differentiation factor-15 expression in anemia of chronic disease and iron-deficiency anemia 16
thomson 2020-04 Iraqi journal of hematology أ . عبير انور احمد The significance of serum hepcidin on iron status in overweight and obese patients with iron-deficiency anemia 17
local 2013-11 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics أ . عبير انور احمد Neutrophils phagocytic function in chronic myelogenous leukemia after imatinib mesylate therapy 18
local 2013-11 Medical Journal of Babylon أ . عبير انور احمد Mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width and plateletcrit values in differentiating clonal from secondary thrombocytosis 19
local 2013-11 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics أ . عبير انور احمد Biomarkers and trace elements in beta thalassemia major 20
local 2012-12 Karbala J. Med. أ . عبير انور احمد Platelet indices and their relations to platelet count in hypo-productive and hyper-destructive Thrombocytopenia 21