أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني

كلية التربية - قسم الفيزياء

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2021-07 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Properties and Biomedical Applications of Hydrothermal method Synthesized of Vanadium Oxide nanoparticles 1
scopus 2021-07 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Green Syntheses of CdO NPs and evaluation of their antimicrobial activities 2
other_w 2013-02 International Letters of Chemistry and Physics and Astronomy أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Effect of gamma irradiation on the optical properties of mg doped CdO thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis 3
local 2013-09 مجله كليه التربيه الاساسية - الجامعه المستنصريه أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Irradiation effect on the Optical Properties of CdS Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Technique 4
scopus 2019-07 AIP Conference Proceedings أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Experimental and theoretical study of (PVC) nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in ethanol 5
scopus 2019-05 Journal of Global Pharma Technology أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Invention and Description of p-CuO /n-Si (200 oC) Heterojunction fo Photodiode Applicationsr 6
other_w 2016-01 W o r l d S c i e n t i f i c N e w s أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Investigation on thestructural,optical and topographical behavior of Cadmium oxide polycrystalline thin films using electrochemical depositing method at different times (14) (PDF) Investigation on the structural, optical and topographical behavior of Cadmium oxide polycrystalline thin films using electrochemical depositing method at different times. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292141808_Investigation_on_the_structural_optical_and_topographical_behavior_of_Cadmium_o 7
other_w 2016-05 Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS) أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني The Concentration Effects On Preparation Of (Fe2O3) Nanoparticle By ChemicalSpray Pyrolysis (CSP) Technique 8
other_w 2016-07 Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Molarities Concentration Effects On Some Characterization Of (Fe2O3) Thin Film Solar Cell Application 9
other_w 2013-06 Advances in Physics Theories and Applications أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Investigation on tin concentration dependence of solution processed indium oxide thin film 10
scopus 2018-10 Biochem. Cell. Arch. أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني PROPERTIES AND BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS OF COPPER OXIDE NANOPARTICLES 11
scopus 2018-10 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences أ.د . ماجد حميد حسوني Study Effect of Reinforcement and Moisture on Impact Strength of Hybrid and Single Polymeric Composites 12