م.د . ايمان عبد محمد

كلية الهندسة - قسم هندسة البيئة

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
local 2018-03 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development م.د . ايمان عبد محمد Selection of the optimal alternative for thermal insulation in the external walls of buildings to achieve environmental sustainability 1
local 2010-03 Journal of Al-Qadisiya for Engineer Science م.د . ايمان عبد محمد Water quality monitoring of Al-Hawizeh marsh 2
local 2016-08 Mesopotamia Environmental Journal م.د . ايمان عبد محمد Photocatalytic activity of Fe3O4 under solar radiation 3
local 2017-03 Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering م.د . ايمان عبد محمد Decolorization and degradation of reactive red dye-238 by using ZnO 4
other_w 2018-11 International Scientific Refereed Research Journal م.د . ايمان عبد محمد Adsorption of Reactive Dye by Natural Material 5
local 2016-09 Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering م.د . ايمان عبد محمد Removal of Cadmium Ions from Wastewater by Batch Experiments 6
local 2017-01 Engineering and Technology Journal م.د . ايمان عبد محمد Solar Photocatalytic of Reactive Blue Dye in Aqueous Suspension of V 2 O 5 7
local 2016-11 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development م.د . ايمان عبد محمد COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DECOLORIZATION EFFICIENCYOF BLUE AZO DYE-235 USING TIO 2 , V 2 O AND ZNO AS PHOTOCATALYSIS 5 8
scopus 2017-01 Baghdad Science Journal م.د . ايمان عبد محمد Toxicity Reduction of Reactive Red Dye-238 Using Advanced Oxidation Process by Solar Energy 9