أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد

كلية الصيدلة - الدراسات الاولية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2023-02 HIV Nursing أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Synthesis and preliminary pharmacological evaluation of some new pyrimidine derivatives bearing nabumetone moiety targeting cyclooxygenase enzyme 1
scopus 2023-06 Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences 6 (2023) 1444-1456 أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Evaluation of Ferulic Acid Derivatives Containing Heterocyclic Moiety 2
scopus 2022-02 Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 9 ¦ 2022 أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Molecular Docking, ADME Study, Synthesis And Characterization Of Some 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives Of 4-(1H-Benzimidazol-2-Yl) Aniline 3
scopus 2021-01 international journal of pharmaceutical research أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Resveratrol 1,3,4- Thiadiazol synthesis, characterization and biological study 4
scopus 2020-12 International journal of pharmaceutical research أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Design, synthesis, molecular docking and antibacterial evaluation of novel Isoniazid derivatives bearing 1,3,4-Oxadiazole and 1,2,3-Triazol moieties 5
other_w 2015-07 British Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد CefotaximeDithiocarbamate as Metalloantibiotic with binuclear NiII, PdII, PtIV Complexes Synthesis, Characterisation, Kinetic and Biological Activity Studies 6
local 2020-03 Al Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of Histidine Cinnamaldehyde Schiff base containing structural feature of 1, 3, 4-thiadiazole heterocyclic moiety 8
local 2019-11 Al Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of New Derivatives of Imidazolidine having Sulfamethoxazole Moiety 9
local 2019-11 Al Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Design, Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Activity and ADME Study of New 5-arylidene-4-Thiazolidinones Derivatives Having Duha E.Taha*, Ayad M.R.Raauf*, Karima F.Ali* 10
local 2004-08 Um salama for science أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Microbiological studies of anew naphthoquinone semicarbazones derivatives 11
local 2007-06 Journal of Al-Nahrain University أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد A STUDY OF SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FOR B12 IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION AT FOUR TEMPERATURES 12
scopus 2015-04 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد New assay method UV spectroscopy for determination of Indomethacin in pharmaceutical formulation 13
other_w 2014-01 Journal of Advances in Chemistry أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Serum Osteopontin Growth hormone , and Other Biochemical Parameters in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 14
scopus 2016-11 Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity Study of new Metal Complexes with Nalidixic acid Hydrazones 15
scopus 2014-02 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Estimation and evaluation of the effect of pH on ciprofloxacin in drug formulations 16
science 2013-02 Iraqi J Pharm. Sci, أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Study the Effect of Folic Acid as A supplement on Selected Oxidative Stress and Biochemical Parameters in First Trimester of Pregnancy 17
science 2012-07 Baghdad Science Journal أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Evaluation of ELectrolytes in Adult Patients with Acute Leukemia before and after Chemotherapy 18
science 2014-05 American Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery أ.م . كريمة فاضل علي جواد Synthesis and Total Phenol Content of New Resveratrol Derivative 19