أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود

كلية طب الاسنان - الدراسات الاولية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2023-07 Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود The assessment of MMP-8 among different stages of periodontitis in the Iraqi population 1
scopus 2023-07 Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Association between health risk factors and apical periodontitis in fitted endodontically and non-endodontically treated teeth 2
scopus 2023-02 European Journal of Dentistry أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Assessment of NLRP3 Gene Polymorphisms with Periodontitis as Compared with Healthy Periodontium in Iraqi Arabs Patients 3
thomson 2023-02 Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Association between Caspase-1, TNF-α Salivary Level and Their Diagnostic Potential to Discriminate Periodontitis from Healthy Control 4
scopus 2022-02 Dental Research Journal أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Importance of preventive dentistry in the elderly: A personal approach 5
scopus 2021-04 Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Assessment of the Plaque-Induced Gingivitis Patient With and Without Hyaluronic acid and Xylitol Toothpaste 6
scopus 2021-03 Brazilian Dental science أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود The Impact of Obesity on Periodontal Health Status in Adolescent Iraqi Students 7
scopus 2019-12 Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود The Effect of Smoking Habit on Apical Status of Adequate Endodontically Treated Teeth with and Without Periodontal Involvement 8
scopus 2019-11 Journal of International Oral Health أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Effect of Manual and Air Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy on Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure 9
scopus 2019-06 Journal of International Oral Health أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Effect of Hyaluronan and Metronidazole Gels in Management of Chronic Periodontitis 10
local 2017-06-15 J Bagh College Dentistry أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Comparison Of Oral Health Status And Behaviorbetween First And Fifth Years Of Al-Mustansiriyah Dental Students 11
local 2017-01-01 MUSTANSIRIA DENTAL JOURNAL أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Prevalence of dental anxiety in relation to sociodemographic factors using two psychometric scales in Baghdad 12
local 2016-08-02 Iraqi Dental Journal أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود The Effect of Oral Health Educational Pictures and Video on Periodontal Health and Behavior of School Children 13
local 2015-09-01 MUSTANSIRIA DENTAL JOURNAL أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود The prevalence and relationship of root caries depth and gingival recession among different Iraqi groups 14
local 2013-12-15 J Bagh College Dentistry أ.م.د . عذراء علي محمود Effect of the examination stress on periodontal health status and salivary IL-1β among Iraqi dental students 15