م . علا كمال رفيق

كلية طب الاسنان - الدراسات الاولية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2021-09 Nano Biomedicine and EngineeringI م . علا كمال رفيق Effect of adding different concentrations of CaCO3-SiO2 nanoparticles on tear strength and hardness of maxillofacial silicone elastomers 1
scopus 2022-02 International Journal of Biomaterials م . علا كمال رفيق Effect of Different Surface Modifications of Acrylic Teeth and Thermocycling on Shear Bond Strength to Polycarbonate Denture Base Material 2
scopus 2021-12 Saudi dental journal م . علا كمال رفيق Histomorphometric assessment of implant coated with mixture of nano-alumina and fluorapatite in rabbits 3
local 2017-02 Tikrit Journal for Dental Sciences م . علا كمال رفيق Clinical Study to Evaluate the Prevalence of TMD Before and After Delivery of Complete Denture 4
local 2016-05 Conference paper م . علا كمال رفيق Antifungal Evaluation of Different Concentrations of Aglycon fraction of Antthroquinon isolated from Aloe on Acrylic Resins 5
local 2014-12-18 Kerbala Jorunal of Medicine م . علا كمال رفيق Effect of Incorporation of Silver Nitrate on Transverse Strength and Impact Strength of Autopolymerizing Acrylic Resin 6
local 2015-09-20 Mustansiria Dental Journal م . علا كمال رفيق Evaluation of salivary cortisol level in patient's pre and post insertion of removable partial and complete dentur 7
local 2011-01-20 J Bagh College Dentistry م . علا كمال رفيق Evaluation of the effect of Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone addition on the shear bond strength of acrylic resin artificial teeth to heat cured acrylic resin denture base material 8