أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي

كلية العلوم - قسم الحاسوب

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2018-12 International Journal of Engineering & Technology أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي ." A data mining framework for the classification of retinopathy images based on a new multistage prediction algorithm 1
scopus 2020-02 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology and its Applications (IICETA) أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي Detection System for Detecting Worms using Hybrid Algorithm of Naïve Bayesian classifier and K-Means, 2
scopus 2020-06 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي ." Mobile Phishing Websites Detection and Prevention Using Data Mining Techniques 3
scopus 2020-07 OP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي Fuzzy Association Rule Classification System for Human DNA profile Identification 4
other_w 2017-08 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي A Novel Approach for Optic Disc Detection in RGB Retinal Fundus Images 5
local 2018-11 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي Miner Alerts Module To Generate Itemsets Based On FP-Growth Algorithm Improvement 6
scopus 2018-12 International Journal of Engineering & Technology أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي A data mining framework for the classification of retinopathy images based on a new multistage prediction algorithm 7
scopus 2018-10 International Journal of Engineering & Technology أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي Spam classification by using association rule algorithm based on segmentation 8
scopus 2018-09 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي Toward Mining Salient Attribute based on Developing Principle Component Analysis algorithm 9
thomson 2018-01 Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola Journal أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي An Accurate System to Measure the Diabetic Retinopathy Using SVM Classifier 10
scopus 2012-10-01 International journal of digital content technology and its application أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي A Survey Of Learning-Based Techniques Of Phishing Email Filtering 11
thomson 2011-11-15 Journal of Applied Sciences أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي An Online Model on Evolving Phishing E-mail Detection and Classification Method 12
scopus 2013-11-15 Journal of Computer Science أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي Research proposal: an intrusion detection system alert reduction and assessment framework based on data mining 13
thomson 2015-05-01 Indian Journal of Science and Technology أ.م.د . كريم هاشم كريدي Spam E-mail Filtering using ECOS Algorithm 14