م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل

المركز العراقي لبحوث السرطان و الوراثة الطبية - رئاسة الجامعة المستنصرية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 28/03/2023 Biomedicine م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Evaluation of HOXA5 methylation–gene expression in response to Imatinib mesylate treatment in chronic myeloid leukemia 1
scopus 2021 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Demographic and Clinicohistological Profiles of Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer at Al-El Wiya Maternity Teaching Hospital / Baghdad: A Retrospective Study 2
local 2016 Al-mutansiriyah journal for pharmaceutical science م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل mRNA in situ hybridization analysis of vascular endothelial growth factor and matrix metalloproteinase -1 in colorectal cancer 3
local 2016 Iraqi Medical Journal م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Detection and clinical correlation of MMP-7 in breast cancer . 4
local 2016 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Matrix metalloproteinase -7 (MMP-7) and their clinical relevance in urinary bladder cancer 5
local 2016 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل A cytogenetic study on workers in leather tanning industry . 6
local 2015 Journal of the faculty of medicine Baghdad م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Detection of Human Papilloma Virus type 6 and type 11 in women with Breast Cancer by in situ hybridization technique. 7
local 2014 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Multi-autosomal chromosome aberrationsrole in pri¬mary amenorrhea 8
local 2014 Journal of Al-Nahrain University Science. م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Brain Atrophy in Iraqi Children Associated with Chromosome 6 Abnormality 9
local 2014 Iraqi Journal of Biotechnology م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Prevalence of Matrix metalloproteinase-9 in breast Cancer Asa Marker of Prognosis 10
local 2014 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Triple X syndrome and various abnormality of 3q in Iraqi women: a case report. 11
local 2014 Al-mutansiriyah journal for pharmaceutical science م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Cytotoxicity–Associated gene (CagA) Producing Helicobacter pylori Increased Risk of Developing Colorectal Carcinoma in Iraqi Patients. 12
local 2014 Iraqi Journal of Biotechnology م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل The role of matrix metalloproteinase -2 in bladder cancer. 13
local 2013 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Prevalence of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-9) in urinary bladder cancer. 14
local 2013 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in Breast cancer. 15
local 2012 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics. م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Isochromosome 6(p) is a rare chromosomal aberration in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A case report. 16
local 2012 Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics. م.د . نور هاشم اسماعيل Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with a novel dic (11;11) (q24;q24) : A case report. 17