أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي

كلية الهندسة - قسم هندسة الطرق والنقل

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2023-08 Construction Technologies and Architecture أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Three Dimensional Finite Element Model of Railway Ballasted Track System under Dynamic Train Loading 1
scopus 2023-07 AIP Conference Proceedings 2775, 060026 (2023) أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Experimental study on the characteristics of unbound granular layer incorporated with recycled materials 2
local 2023-06 ISBN: 978-9-9228537-0-3 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي كتاب محاضرات في هندسة المرور 3
local 2023-02 ISBN: 978-9922-8547-2-4 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي كتاب هندسة المرور المبادئ والتطبيقات 4
scopus 2023-07 AIP Conference Proceedings 2787 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Numerical modeling of the effect of moving load on pavement response 5
other_w 2023-07 Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Prediction Model of Lane Change Frequency based on Traffic Characteristics of Urban Street 6
scopus 2023-01 Tikrit Journal of Engineering Science أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Effect of Signal Coordination on Traffic Operation of Urban Corridor 7
scopus 2022-10 Current Trends in Geotechnical Engineering and Construction أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Impact of Vehicle Speed and Loading Time on Permanent Deformations of Asphalt Pavement 8
local 2022-06 Journal of planner and development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Estimation of Traffic Volumes Distribution of Urban Streets in Baghdad City 9
local 2022-06 Engineering and Technology Journal أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Modeling Critical Gap of Al Turkmani Roundabout in Baghdad City 10
scopus 2022-04 Journal of Engineering and Applied Science أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Traffic simulation of continuous flow intersection with displaced left-turn: a case study 11
local 2022-04 Journal of Engineering أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Traffic Simulation of Urban Street to Estimate Capacity 12
scopus 2022-01 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Modelling Of Crack Propagation in Flexible Pavement Using X-FEM Method 13
scopus 2022-01 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Application of GIS to assess the accessibility of urban streets in Baghdad city 14
local 2015-02 Journal of Engineering and Development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي URBAN GROWTH AND TRANSPORTATION INDICATORS FOR SUB-URBAN AREA 15
local 2009-02 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Propagation Mechanisms for Surface Initiated Cracking in Composite Pavements 16
local 2021-09 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي TRAVEL TIME RELIABILITY INDICES FOR URBAN ROUTES IN BAGHDAD CITY 17
local 2021-09 المؤتمر العلمي الافتراضي الثاني لطلبة الدراسات العليا أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Travel Time Analysis of Selected Urban Streets in Baghdad City 18
local 2021-09 المؤتمر العلمي الافتراضي الثاني لطلبة الدراسات العليا أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي ASSESSMENT OF TRAVEL SPEED FOR URBAN STREETS USING GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM 19
local 2021-09 المؤتمر العلمي الافتراضي الثاني لطلبة الدراسات العليا أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي EFFECT OF WASTE MATERIALS ON CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO FOR GRANULAR BASE 20
scopus 2021-03 IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1090 (2021) 012021 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Travel Time Prediction Models for Major Arterial Road in Baghdad City using Manufactured GPS device 21
scopus 2021-03 IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1090 (2021) 012021 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Estimation of Trip Production Rates for Al Adhamiyah District in Baghdad city using Cross-Classification Technique 22
scopus 2021-03 IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1090 (2021) 012121 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Influence of Roadside Impedance on Speed and Capacity of Urban Streets 23
scopus 2021-06 Second International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering-Iraq أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Effect of Geogrid Reinforcement on behavior of Unpaved Roads 24
scopus 2021-02 Materials today Proceedings أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Physical, rheological and morphological characterization of modified asphalt binder with differing crumb rubber contents 25
scopus 2020-12 Journal of Green Engineering أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Travel Speed Prediction Model for Urban Arterial Road and Traffic Management 26
scopus 2020-10 Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Investigating the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Incorporating Different Crumb Rubber Contents Based on a Response Surface Methodology 27
scopus 2020-08 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 888:012020 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Development a capacity model for Al-Turkmani roundabout 28
other_w 2020-04 Sustainable Development Research أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Prediction Model of Elastic Modulus for Granular Road Bases 29
scopus 2020-07 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Discharge Headway Time Distribution Model on Congested Signalized Intersections: A case Study in Baghdad City 30
scopus 2020-01 Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Effect of high temperature and traffic loading on rutting performance of flexible pavement 31
scopus 2019-11 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ICES2019 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Delay Time Analysis and Modelling of Signalised Intersections using Global Positioning System (GPS) Receivers 32
other_w 2019-03 Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Theoretical Analysis on the Effect of Surface Horizontal Traction on Top-Down Cracking of Flexible Pavement 33
scopus 2020-07 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ICES2019 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on the Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on Flexible Pavement 34
local 2018-12 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Numerical Study of Doweled Expansion Joints on Plain Concrete Pavement System 35
other_w 2009-03 World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Singapore. أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Development of Statistical Models for the prediction of Marshal Stability and Flow for Asphaltic Paving Mixtures 36
local 2018-03 المؤتمر العلمي الهندسي الرابع والأول في الهندسة المستدامة - 2018 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي EFFECT OF LEACHING BEHAVIOR ON GRANULAR BASE LAYER STABILIZED WITH SUSTAINBLE MATERIALS 37
other_w 2014-03 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Engineering Materials (IMS-7), AUS ,American University of Sharija أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Simulation of Bond Strength at Asphaltic Layers Interface using Finite Element Application 38
other_w 2014-03 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Engineering Materials (IMS-7), AUS ,American University of Sharija أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Durability of Stabilized Unbound Granular Pavement Materials 39
other_w 2008-06 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation. AATT أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Analytical Modeling of Thermal Cracking of Asphalt Pavement Based on Finite Element Method 40
other_w 2018-10 Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي ASSESSMENT OF LABORATORY COMPACTION METHODS FOR GRANULAR BASE LAYER STABILIZED WITH SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS 41
local 2008-03 Engineering And Development Journal أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Analysis of Consolidation Behaviour of Subsoils under Cyclic Trapezoidal Loading 42
scopus 2018-11 ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي CAPACITY ESTIMATION OF URBAN ROAD IN BAGHDAD CITY: A CASE STUDY OF PALESTINE ARTERIAL ROAD 43
scopus 2018-10 Sustainable Civil Infrastructures pp. 85-97 أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Analytical Study of Headway Time Distribution on Congested Arterial: A Case Study Palestine Road in Baghdad City 44
local 2018-07 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي EFFECT OF WASTE FOUNDRY SAND ON INDIRCT TENSIL STRENGTH OF ASPHALT MIXTURE 45
local 2009-06 Eng. & Tech. Journa أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Combined Effect ofWheel and Thermal Load Conditions on Stress Distribution in Flexible Pavement 46
local 2012-06 Eng. & Tech. Journa أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Deformation Analysis of Road Embankment Foundation Soil Improved with Fiber Glass 47
local 2009-06 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development مجلة الهندسة والتنمية المستدامة أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Finite Element Approach to Evaluate the Resistance toPlastic Flow in Asphalt Mixtures 48
other_w 2014-03 IMS/7 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING MATERIALS أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Modeling Fatigue life and Fracture Parameters in HMA Based on Experimental work and Analytical approach 49
local 2016-05 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Pavement 50
other_w 2013-05 International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي CBR Prediction Model with GIS Application Technique 51
local 2016-09 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي EVALUATION THE PERFORMANCE OF TREATED BASE LAYER ON CRITICAL RESPONSES OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 52
local 2014-09 Journal of Engineering and Development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Effect of Materials and Stabilizers Type on the Strength of Base Layer 53
local 2015-12 Second Engineering Scientific Conference College of Engineering –University of Diyala أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي FUTURE PREDICTED DYNAMIC MODEL URBAN GROWTH FOR BAQUBAH CITY 54
local 2016-12 المؤتمر العلمي النسوي الثالث بعنوان المراة والعلوم في العراق أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Moisture Damage Resistance of Asphalt Mixture using Polyethylene and Silica fume additives 55
other_w 2013-12 Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Stress Intensity Parameter and Crack Growth of Iraqi Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures 56
other_w 2017-12 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Improving the Rutting Resistance of Flexible Pavement Reinforced with Steel Fiber 59
local 2018-09 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Experimental Study on Doweled Expansion Joints on Behavior for Plain Concrete Pavement System 60
other_w 2017-04 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Assessment of Sustainable Indicators for Road Transportation: A Case Study of Palestine Arterial Street 61
other_w 2012-12 International Journal for Sciences and Technology أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي The Effect of Styrene Butadiene Styrene on the Properties of Hot Mixture Asphalt 62
local 2009-06 Journal of Engineering/ Baghdad University أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Numerical Analysis of Controlled Modulus Column Foundation System Supported Embankments 63
local 2016-12-01 Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي CELLULAR AUTOMATA -DYNAMIC MODEL FOR URBAN GROWTH BAQUBAH CITY 64
local 2011-01-10 Journal of Engineering/ Baghdad University أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Analysis Of Geotextile Embankment By Ansys 65
scopus 2018-01 International Congress and Exhibition أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Impact Load Test on Conventional and Roller Compactor Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement 66
local 2016-06-01 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي DURABILITY OF POROUS ASPHALT PAVEMENT 67
local 2017-09-01 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي Travel Time Prediction Models and Reliability Indices for Palestine Urban Road in Baghdad City 68