م . لؤي حامد سليمان

كلية العلوم - قسم الفيزياء

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2021-07 IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science م . لؤي حامد سليمان Lifetime of violet 1 dye doping the polymer nanostructured optical fibers and thin films for biomedical applications 1
scopus 2020-02 NeuroQuantology م . لؤي حامد سليمان Temperature effect on the structure and photophysical properties of the olive oil 2
local 2019-05 Iraqi Journal of Science م . لؤي حامد سليمان Time of store effect on the structure and photophysical properties of the heated fat of the plant 3
local 2018 Iraqi Journal of Science م . لؤي حامد سليمان Polymer optical fiber sensor side-pumped with polymer clad doped lasing compounds 4
local 2017 iraqi journal of physics م . لؤي حامد سليمان Nonlinear optical properties of polymer [PMMA] thin films doped with dye lasing compounds, Rhodamine 6G and Acriflavine in chloroform solvent by using dip coating method 5