أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي

كلية التربية - قسم الفيزياء

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
thomson 2013-08 indian jornal of physics أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Structural properties and refractive index dispersion of cobalt doped SnO2 thin films 1
other_w 2013-08 International Journal of Thin Films Science and Technology أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Impact of dilution gases on structure, properties and growth of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) prepared by HW-CVD method 2
scopus 2013-08 international j. of nano electronic and material أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي electric field distribution in wealy absorbing monolayer at oblique incidence of light 3
other_w 2013-08 International Journal of Thin Films Science and Technology أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي New Design of Hairpin-Koch Fractal Filter for Suppression of Spurious Band 4
other_w 2013-08 Journal of Electron Devices أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF n-CdO:In/p-Si THIN FILM SOLAR CELL 5
other_w 2013-07 Estratto da: Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Effect of Mn doping concentration on the electronic transitions of ZnO thin film 6
other_w 2013-07 Estratto da: Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Fabrication and characterization of nanoparticles ZnO-NiO thin films prepared by thermal evaporation technique 7
other_w 2013-07 Estratto da: Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Optical dispersion characterization of sprayed mixed SnO2-CuO thin fi lms 8
other_w 2013-07 Estratto da: Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Estimation of the dispersion and optical parameters of sprayed CdS thin fi lms chemical spray pyrolysis at different substrate temperatures 9
other_w 2013-07 Physical Chemistry أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Optical dispersion characterization of irradiated CdS thin films 10
other_w 2013-06 nano science and nanotechnology أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Morphology and optoelectrical properties study of nano/micro structures silicon layer prepared by photo electrochemical and electrochemical etching 11
other_w 2013-06 materials science أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Javaoptics simulations: Open-source physics (OSP) library for teaching (or Learning) thin-film optics 12
other_w 2013-06 Physical chemistry أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي optical parameters of Amorphous selenium deposited by thermal evaporation 13
other_w 2013-05 matterials science أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Color space chromaticity diagram: Estimation of Co impurity ratios in SnO2 thin films 14
other_w 2013-05 matterials science أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Impact of dilution gases on structure, properties and growth of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) prepared by HW-CVD method 15
other_w 2013-04 Nanno SSciiennce annd Nanno TTechhnnollogyy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Structural, optical and electrical properties of indium doped cadmium oxide thin films 16
other_w 2013-02 Estratto da: Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Study of specifi c activities of some biological samples for selected Iraqi Governorates 17
other_w 2016-10 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Preparation and Study of CdO-CdO2 Nanoparticles for Solar Cells Applications 18
other_w 2016-05 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Molar concentration Effects on the Optical and Structural Properties of nanostructural SnO2 Thin Films 19
other_w 2016-04 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي The effect of molarity on some physical properties of In2S3 thin films deposited by chemical spray pyrolysis technique 20
other_w 2016-03 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Structural and optical properties of undoped and Er3+-doped ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in Ethanol 21
other_w 2015-05 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Annealing effects on the Interband Transition and Optical constants of cobalt doped Cadmium oxide Thin Films 22
other_w 2015-06 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Fabrication and Characterization of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles/PSi Heterodiode 23
other_w 2015-04 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Substrate effects on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis 24
other_w 2014-11 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Optical and Dispersion parameters of ZnS Thin Films Prepared by Flash Evaporation Method 25
other_w 2014-05 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Structural and Optical Properties of Fe2O3- NiO mixed Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis 26
other_w 2014-03 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Effect of annealing temperature on the optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles 27
local 2005-02 College of education أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي optical properties of fluorine doped tin oxide thin films 28
local 2000-07 College of education أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي The effect of fast neutron on the optical band gap of cobalt oxide thin film 29
local 2003-08 AL-fath Journal أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Optical properties of Mn20 3 Thin Films Using Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Technique 30
scopus 2013-02-10 int. J. of nanoelectronics and materials أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي electric field distribution in weakly absorbing monolayer at oblique incident of light 31
thomson 2012-11-25 Indian J Phys أ.د . نادر فاضل حبوبي Structural properties and refractive index dispersion of cobalt doped SnO2 thin films 32