أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي

كلية التربية - قسم الفيزياء

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2022-11 Silicon أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Effect of Porosity on Thermal Properties of Porous Silicon 1
other_w 2016-07 WORLD أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Measurement of Natural radioactivity in tap water samples for selected regions in Thi-Qar Governorate-Iraq 2
other_w 2016-06 WORLD أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Determination of accumulated electrons at PET surface using mirror effect phenomena in SEM 3
local 2022-03 Academic J. for Engineering and Science أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Effect of Empirical Parameter on Spectral Responsivity of n-Si/PSi Heterojunction Photodetector 4
scopus 2022-03 Silicon أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Preparation and Characteristics Study of High-Quantum Efficiency Ni/PSi/c-Si and cd/PSi/c-Si Double-Junction Photodetectors 5
scopus 2021-03 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Energy Band Diagram of FTO/porous Silicon Heterostructure 6
scopus 2020-07 Optik أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Fabrication and Characterization of high photosensitivity CuS/porous silicon heterojunction photodetector 7
local 2020-02 Academic.J. for Engineering and Science أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Optical Properties of Amorphous Copper Sulfide Thin Films Preparing by Spray Pyrolysis Technique 8
other_w 2014-12 International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Comparative Study in Optoelectronic Properties between Nano Gold/Porous Silicon Heterojunction Based on P and N-Type Crystalline Silicon 9
other_w 2017-01 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Impact of Etching Time on Ideality Factor and Dynamic Resistance of Porous Silicon Prepared by Electrochemical Etching (ECE) 10
other_w 2017-06 World Scientific News أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Photocurrent and Photovoltaic of Photodetector based on Porous Silicon 11
other_w 2017-11 World Scientific News أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Impact of the etching time and current density on Capacitance-Voltage characteristics of P-type of porous silicon 12
other_w 2018-06 World Scientific News أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Barrier modification of Al/PS/c-Si Schottky contact based on porous silicon interfacial layer 13
scopus 2019-01 Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Preparation and Characteristics Study of Polystyrene/Porous Silicon Photodetector Prepared by Electrochemical Etching 14
other_w 2018-12 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Modification of Surface Properties of Silicon Wafers by Laser-Assisted Electrochemical Etching 15
other_w 2015-01 Materials Science أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Fabrication and electrical properties of FTO Nano-particles/Nanocrystal porous silicon heterojunction under gamma radiation effect 16
other_w 2014-06 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Fabrication and Optoelectronic properties of Fluoride tin oxides/porous silicon/p-Silicon heterojunction 17
other_w 2014-12 Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي FABRICATION, MORPHOLOGICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF ANTIMONY ON POROUS SILICON AS MSM PHOTODETECTOR 18
other_w 2014-12 Materials Focus أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Influence of Etching Current Density on Morphology of Porous Silicon Layer and the Electrical Properties of Sn/PS/p-Si/Al Double Junction 19
other_w 2014-12 Mater. Focus أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Comparative Study of Schottky Barrier Heights of the Different Metals Based on Porous Silicon Prepared by Photo-Electrochemical Etching (PECE) 20
other_w 2014-06 oalib أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Estimation Energy Band Gap of Au/ Nano-Crystal Porous Silicon/Mono-Crystal Silicon Heterojunction 21
other_w 2014-04 Journal of Electron Devices أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES AND SCHEMATIC BAND DIAGRAMS OF Sn/PS/p-Si HETEROJUNCTION 22
other_w 2012-01 Nano Science and NanoTechnology أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Morphology and optoelectrical properties study of nano/micro structures silicon layer prepared by photo electrochemical and electrochemical etching 23
local 2011-01 Iraqi Journal of Physics أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Structural and Morphological Study of Nanostructures n-type Silicon 24
local 2011-07 JOURNAL OF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Theoretical Model For Calculating the Temperature Rise Induced During the Process of Laser Heating of Silicon 25
scopus January 2014 Indian Journal of Physics أ.د . حسن عبد الصاحب هادي Optoelectronic properties of porous silicon heterojunction photodetector 26