أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن

كلية العلوم - قسم الحاسوب

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2023-05 International Journal Papier Advance and Scientific Review أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن Python TCP/IP libraries: A Review 1
other_w 2023-05 Journal La Multiapp أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن A Real-Time Monitoring System for the Elderly based on the GSM Network 2
scopus 2019-02 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن MERGE BETWEEN CYCLIC PREFIX AND TRAINING SEQUENCE FOR CFO ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES ON OFDM SYSTEMS 3
other_w 2018-03 2018 International Conference on Advance of Sustainable Engineering and its Application (ICASEA) أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن Symbol time offset synchronization based on training sequence 4
scopus 2018-06 Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن SENDING IMAGE IN NOISY CHANNEL USING ORTHOGONAL FREQUENCY DIVISION MULTIPLEXING SCHEME. 5
scopus 2017-08 International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن On Noisy Fading Channel, Image Transmission Using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing System 6
other_w 2014-03 International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA) أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن Kalman Filter Tracking 7
local 2014-06 Iraqi Journal of Information Technology أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن Speech Scrambling Using Multi-Stage Permutation with Filter Output 8
local 2012-02 Journal of College of Education for Pure Science أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن Scramble Image Based on LFBSR (Linear Feedback Shift Registers) 9
local 2012-05 Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن Image Encryption Using Permutation and Hill Cipher 10
science 2006-04 The 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology أ.م.د . غسان مسلم حسن Electronic Government (E-Government) 11