أ.د . وسام صاحب حسن

كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة - فرع الالعاب الفردية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2022-07 Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition أ.د . وسام صاحب حسن The effect of using magnesium lactate on the activation of the motor neurotransmitter speed for the work of the arms of the swimmers 50 m chest for the applicants 1
other_w 2022-01 Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition أ.د . وسام صاحب حسن A comparative study on some biochemical indicators of the efficiency of cellular regulation by different water temperatures and its relationship to the level of achievement among swimmers 2
other_w 2021-07 Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition أ.د . وسام صاحب حسن Response of the level of hormonal activity regulating calcium action after anaerobic effort at different short distances in young free swimming 3
other_w 2020-07 Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition أ.د . وسام صاحب حسن The effect of blocking blood flow on the muscular strength of the two legs and some biochemical variables for 50 m butterfly swimmers for young men 4
other_w 2020-05 European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine أ.د . وسام صاحب حسن The Effect Of Taking Doses (Creatine) OnThe Development Of Pulse And Achievement Indicators In 100m Swimmers Appeared To The Youth Group 5
other_w 2020-06 European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine أ.د . وسام صاحب حسن The Effect Of The Accompanying Effort (Ischemia And Hyperemia) Of The Higher Parties In The Development Of Some Functional Variables And Digital Targeting Of 50 Advanced Freestyle Swimmers 6