م . نور ناطق رحيم

كلية طب الاسنان - الدراسات الاولية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2022-06 Teikyo Medical Journal م . نور ناطق رحيم Inhibition biofilm former Candida albicans that causing oral thrush by purified biosurfactant(sufactin) from dental decay Lactobacillus acidophilus 1
scopus 2022-06 Materials today proceedings م . نور ناطق رحيم Role of purified beta-glucanase from lactobacillus acidophilus in disruption of biofilm formation by candida spp. causing of denture stomatitis 2
local 0017-10 MUSTANSIRIA DENTAL JOURNAL م . نور ناطق رحيم A clinicopathological study of Pyogenic Granuloma 3
other_w 2020-11 Medico-Legal update م . نور ناطق رحيم Association of Syndecan 4 and Osteocalcin with Application of BMP2 and BDNF in Bone Healing of Osteoporotic Rats 4
scopus 2020-09 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research م . نور ناطق رحيم Syndecan -4 and Alkaline Phosphatase Enhancement by Local Application of Exogenous Growth Factors on Traumatic Pulp of Osteoporotic Rats: ImmunoHistochemical Analysis 5
scopus 2020-07 Medico-legal Update م . نور ناطق رحيم Roles of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) In Developing Jaw 6
local 2016-06 Journal of baghdad college of dentistry م . نور ناطق رحيم The effect of Thymosin beta 4 on Developing dental tissue(experimental study on rats) 7
other_w 2018-08 journal of research in medical and dental science م . نور ناطق رحيم Coincidence of expression of syndycan 4 with VEGF on pulp tissue of Mesiodens 8