أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف

كلية التربية - قسم الحاسبات

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2021-08 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Subject Review: Feature Extraction Based on Palm Print 1
other_w 2021-08 International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Subject Review: Information Hiding Using Chaotic Map 2
scopus 2021-08 Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Image Confusion and Diffusion Based on Multi-Chaotic system and Mix-Column 3
other_w 2021-05 International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre) أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Encryption of Data based on Triple encryption and Affine Algorithm 4
other_w 2021-04 International Journal of Engineering Research andAdvanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Encrypting Image based on Chaotic Map algorithm 5
other_w 2021-03 International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre) أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Subject Review: Information Steganography Based on Different Methods 6
other_w 2020-08 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Hiding Encrypted Text in Image using Least Significant Bit image Steganography Technique 7
other_w 2019-09 International Journal of Engineering Research andAdvanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Review: Image Encryption Techniques based on Chaotic Map 8
other_w 2019-08 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Recognition of Retain Images Based on Association Rules 9
local 2017-04 Journal of the College of Education أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Cipher Text Hiding in Image Based on New Generation Key Method of 3DES Algorithm 10
local 2017-04 Journal of the College of Education أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Master Eye Region Based on Multiwavelet Transform Using Association Rules 11
local 2014-01 Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics (IJCI) أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف SMS Encryption by using Android Operating System 12
local 2013-09 Journal of College of Education أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Proof Authentication for Mobile Image 13
science 2017-03-01 International Journal for Sciences and Technology أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف Diagnosis of colon tumor tissue using fuzzy logic 14
science 2016-12-05 International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research أ.م . زهراء صلاح ضايف PEOPLE COUNTING TECHNOLOGY 15