أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده

كلية الهندسة - قسم هندسة البيئة

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus Febreuary 2021 Desalination and Water Treatment أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده Dynamics of nitrate and nitrite in saturated sand filters with enhanced substrate conditions for denitrifying bacteria 1
scopus 1/12/2020 Journal of Ecological engineering أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده Ammonium adsorption onto a contaminated soil water environment amended with organic matter 2
other_w 2019 Science of the Total Environment أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده The impact of biodegradable carbon sources on microbial clogging of vertical up-flow sand filters treating inorganic nitrogen wastewater 3
other_w 2010 J.King Saud Univ أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده Treatment of domestic wastewater using Duckweed plant 4
other_w 2018 Journal of environmental management أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده Nitrogen removal efficiencies and pathways from unsaturated and saturated zones in a laboratory-scale vertical flow constructed wetland 5
other_w 2013 Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده Modification of Grey Water Treatment Using Combination of Cascade Aeration and Biofiltration 6
other_w 2013 Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده Heavy metals pollution in the roadside soil of Bab Al-Muadham city centre/Baghdad 7
local 2014 Journal of Engineering and Development أ.م.د . ٌرشا عزيز جوده Effect of Temperature on Floc Formation Process Efficiency and Subsequent Removal in Sedimentation Process 8