م.د . حيدر حسن صافي

كلية التربية الاساسية - قسم الحاسبات

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2018-02 Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved. Source/Altinbas م.د . حيدر حسن صافي An efficient many-objective evolutionary algorithm for ecological optimization problems 1
scopus 2020-02 IEEE م.د . حيدر حسن صافي Detecting Suspicious Activities of Digital Trolls During the Political Crisis 2
thomson 2020-02 Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics م.د . حيدر حسن صافي An Efficient Multi-Objective Memetic Genetic Algorithm for Medical Image Handling and Health Safety to Support Systems in Medical Internet of Things 3
scopus 2020-05 IEEE_her: IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Cite This م.د . حيدر حسن صافي Detecting Suspicious Activities of Digital Trolls During the Political Crisis 4
scopus 2020-06 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology م.د . حيدر حسن صافي A Scalable Memetic Algorithm For High Dimensional Power System Optimization Problems According To Systematic Mapping On Software Engineering To Achieve More Performance And Productivity 5
thomson 2019-06 Altınbaş Üniversitesi_Computer Science م.د . حيدر حسن صافي EFFICIENT EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS FOR MANY OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS 6
local 2017-07 journal of kerbala university م.د . حيدر حسن صافي Using Feature and Orthogonal Variability Models to Design E-Commerce Model With (Software Product Line Engineering) technique 7
local 2006-06 University of Technology م.د . حيدر حسن صافي Design and Implementation of an Integrated Development Environment for An Electronic Government 8
local 2017-04 University of Technology م.د . حيدر حسن صافي A Survey Using Kano Model and Road map to issues Standard Model of e-commerce Using SPLE technique 9
local 2011-04 journal of the college of basic education م.د . حيدر حسن صافي Analytical Study and Logical Solutions for the Application ofE-Government Project in Iraq,A Comprehensive Vision 10
local 2011-04 Al-Qadisiyah University م.د . حيدر حسن صافي All the Public Services by a Single Point in Electronic GovernmentGovernment Portal in Iraq 11
local 2015-03 University Of Informatics Technology And Communications م.د . حيدر حسن صافي Determine the Close Friends for Twitter Users by Analyzing Users Public Data Name 13
scopus 2018-10 springer / Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textiles م.د . حيدر حسن صافي Minimize the Cost Function in Multiple Objective Optimization by Using NSGA-II 14
scopus 2018-06 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2018 م.د . حيدر حسن صافي Study The Effect of High Dimensional Objective Functions on Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms 15
scopus 2018-10 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2018 م.د . حيدر حسن صافي On the real world applications of many-objective evolutionary algorithms 16
thomson 2019-10 ASP/Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, م.د . حيدر حسن صافي An Efficient Multi-Objective Memetic Genetic Algorithm for Medical Image Handling and Health Safety to Support Systems in Medical Internet of Things 17