أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى

كلية التربية - قسم الحاسبات

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2022-08 International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Subject Review: Securing Iris Authentication System 1
other_w 2021-07 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Subject Review Cloud Computing using RSA Algorithm 2
scopus 2022-04 Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Cloud resources modelling using smart cloud management 3
scopus 2022-06 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Enhancement in privacy preservation in cloud computing using apriori algorithm 4
scopus 2021-10 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Palm print recognition based on harmony search algorithm 5
scopus 2021-08 Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Image confusion and diffusion based on multi-chaotic system and mix-column 6
scopus 2022-04 Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Cloud resources modelling using smart cloud management 7
science 2021-03 International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Subject Review: Information Steganography Based on Different Methods 8
science 2019-09 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Subject Review: Cloud Computing Security Based on Cryptography 9
science 2021-04 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Encrypting Image based on Chaotic Map algorithm 10
science 2021-03 Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Subject Review: Diagnoses cancer diseases systems for most body's sections using image processing techniques 11
science 2020-12 International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Subject Review: The Applications Based on Shape Feature Extraction Techniques 12
science 2020-08 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Hiding Encrypted Text in Image using Least Significant Bit image Steganography Technique 13
science 2020-08 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Preprocessing and Feature Extraction for Psoriasis Images Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform 14
science 2020-08 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Human Ear Print Detection Algorithm 15
science 2019-09 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Review: Image Encryption Techniques based on Chaotic Map 16
scopus 2019-07 TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Iris Images Encryption Based on QR code and Chaotic Map 17
scopus 2018-11 Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى An Effective Protocol and Algorithmic Approach for Disaster Management using Wireless Sensor Networks 18
science 2019-09 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Subject Review: Iris Recognition Using Neural Network 19
science 2019-08 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Recognition of Retain Images Based on Association Rules 20
scopus 2018-09 International Journal of Engineering & Technology أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Study and Implementation of Resource Allocation Algorithms in Cloud Computing 21
local 2017-04 المؤتمر العلمي التخصصي الثالث و العشرين 26-27 نيسان 2017 أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Master Eye Region Based on Multiwavelet Transform Using Association Rules 22
local 2018-04 المؤتمر العلمي التخصصي الثالث و العشرين 26-27 نيسان 2017 أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Fingerprint Encryption Based on Feature Extraction QR Code 23
local 2017-04 المؤتمر العلمي التخصصي الثالث و العشرين 26-27 نيسان 2017 أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Iris Recognition Based on fusion of Multi-features 24
science 2018-08 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Feature Extraction Based on Wavelet Transform and Moment Invariants for Medical Image 25
local 2016-10-22 المجلة العراقية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Face Recognition and Retrieval based on Wavelet Transform Using Association Rules in Android Operating System 26
local 2015-11-17 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research أ.م . رانية علي مصطفى Face Recognition and Retrieval Using Association Rules in Android Operating System 27