م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر

كلية العلوم - قسم الاحياء المجهرية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
local 2008-05 Al Mustansiriya Journal of science م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Study of some bacteria and chemical contents of polluted water in Baghdad city, Iraq. 1
scopus 2020-06 Eurasian Journal of Biosciences م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Phenotype and genotype detection of producing biofilm in some species of pathogenic bacteria and studying the inhibitory effect of plant extract against biofilm. Eurasian Journal of Biosciences, 2020 - Volume 14 Issue 2, pp. 7193-7196. 2
scopus 2020-06 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Report of a Case and Review of Klebsiella pneumonia Infection in Immune-Compromised Patient with Severe Anemia. 3
scopus 2019-06 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Anticarcinogenic ,immune modulatory and Antibacterial effect of L-Argininedeiminase ADI against S. epidermidesCoNS mammary gland infection model. 4
scopus 2019-12 Journal of Public Health Research & Development م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Biofilm Formation and Antibiotic Resistance of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Isolated from Lactating Women with Mastitis in Baghdad, Iraq. 5
scopus 2020-04 . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Molecular Detection and Sequence Analysis of (Lux S Gene) In Serratia Marcescens Isolates that Producing Biofilm 6
scopus 2019-10 The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Anti-Biofilm and Antibacterial Activities of Plantago Lanceolate Leaves Extract Against Some Species of Gram Negative Bacteria That Isolated From Clinical Sources. The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 7
scopus 2016-05 World journal of pharmaceutical research. م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر A Study on the Effect of Ethidium_Bromide on Virulence Factors ( Protease and Biofilm Formation ) by Klebsiella Pneamoniae Isolated from Different Clinical Sources. 8
local 2016-06 Iraqi Journal of Biotechnology م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Optimization and Characterization Growth Conditions of Lipase-Producing Bacteria from Oil Contaminated Soil and Sewage 9
other_w 2018-06 براءة اختراع م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Preparation of Schiff base3{[(E) –(4-bromophenyl)methylidene]amino}-2-thioximidazolidin-4-one and study there inhibiter for the swarming movement of Proteus mirabilis 10
local 2002-06 مجلة علوم المستنصرية م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر دراسة بيئية وحياتية لذبابة البطل الزرقاء الاوربية. 11
local 2008-03 مجلة علوم المستنصرية م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر عزل وتشخيص بعض الفطريات والبكتريا المرضية من حشرة الصرصرالامريكي Periplaneta Americana في المستشفيات. 12
local 2008-05 Al Mustansiriya Journal of science . م.د . بتول عبد الامير باقر Determination of Inulin content of chicory, garlic and leek, and study of their antibacterial activity against some pathogenic bacteria. 13