أ.د . داليا باسل حنا

كلية الصيدلة - الدراسات الاولية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2022-07 Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Effect of Brassica nigra seeds extract against hepatocellular proliferation induced by phenobarbital as tumor promoter agent 1
scopus 2021-12 Revistabionatura أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary analysis of SENV DNA isolated from Iraqi Hepatitis Patients 2
scopus 2021-10 Wiadomosci Lekarskie أ.د . داليا باسل حنا ASSOCIATION BETWEEN LEUKOCYTES COUNT AND THE SEVERITY OF COVID-19 INFECTION 3
scopus 2020-03 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Cytomegalovirus Infection as Risk of Atherogenic Lipid Profile in Iraqi Aborted Women 4
local 2020-06 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AJPS) أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Treatment Trends of Myocarditis with Coxsackievirus B3 infection 5
scopus 2019-06 Journal of Pure and Applied Micobiology أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Seroprevalence of Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 IgG Antibody in Healthy Blood Donor from Baghdad, Iraq 6
scopus 2020-04 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Molecular Detection of Epstein - Barr virus and Human Herpesvirus-6 in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Acute Leukemia 7
other_w 2015-01 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Molecular and Immunohistochemical Detection of JC Polyomavirus in Human Colorectal Polyps in sample of Iraqi Patients 8
other_w 2015-03 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Using of S100A9 as a Novel Biomarker for Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer, A Stool Based Study in Iraq 9
local 2009-02 J Fac Med Baghdad أ.د . داليا باسل حنا The In Situ Hybridization Expression of Fas and Fas Ligand (FasL) in Trophoblastic tissue of Aborted Women Compared with Normal Pregnancy 10
other_w 2017-04 International Journal of ChemTech Research أ.د . داليا باسل حنا PCR Detection of Herpes Simplex -2 Virus in Human Placenta in Patients with Spontaneous Abortion 11
thomson 2018-12 Indian Journal of Natural Sciences أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Genotyping of Cryptosporidium Spp. Isolated from Human and Cattle in Baghdad Province, Iraq 12
local 2011 AJPS أ.د . داليا باسل حنا The Antibacterial Activity of Callemia Sinensis (green tea) on Some Bacterial Species 13
local 2011 AJPS أ.د . داليا باسل حنا The use of the water extract of Rosa spp petals as a bacterial growth medium 14
local 2010 AJPS أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Association of Interleukin 6 with Positive Immunohistochemical staining of Estrogen Receptor in Breast Cancer Patients 15
local 2008 AJPS أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Correlation Between Chlamydia trachomatis Infections and Interferon Gamma (IFN- ) inWomen With spontaneous abortion 16
thomson January-2015 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research أ.د . داليا باسل حنا Molecular and Immunohistochemical Detection of JC Polyomavirus in Human Colorectal Cancer in Sample of Iraqi Patients 17