م . كوثر ثابت صالح

كلية التربية - قسم الحاسبات

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
local 2022-01 دار الدكتور م . كوثر ثابت صالح خوارزمية سرب الأسماك الاصطناعية المثالية Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization Algorithm 1
other_w 2022-01 Webology م . كوثر ثابت صالح Building Smart House based on Speech Detection and Recognition System 2
scopus 2023-02 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science م . كوثر ثابت صالح Human ear print recognition based on fusion of difference theoretic texture and gradient direction pattern features 3
other_w 2021-09 International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre) م . كوثر ثابت صالح Subject Review: Brain Tumor Classification using Neural Network 4
scopus 2022-08 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science م . كوثر ثابت صالح Chaotic map technique for enhancement security for android mobile system based on image encryption 5
local 2017 AL-mustanseriah confferance م . كوثر ثابت صالح Iris Recognition Based on fusion of Multi-features 6
local 2018 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) م . كوثر ثابت صالح Feature Extraction Based on Wavelet Transform and Moment Invariants for Medical Image 7
local 2017 International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research IJMTER م . كوثر ثابت صالح Magic Square by Genetic Algorithm 8
local 2017 International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (IJERAT) م . كوثر ثابت صالح Fingerprint Recognition Based on Coalition of Multi-Features 9
local February-2016 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research م . كوثر ثابت صالح Semi-Automatic Seeded Region Growing for Object Extracted in MRI 10
local 2016 MAGISTRA م . كوثر ثابت صالح Edge Detection For Medical Images Using Threshold Based on Genetic Algorithm 11