أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن

كلية العلوم - قسم الرياضيات

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2021-03 journal of interdisplinary mathematics أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Exactness for complex sequence in the skew shape (8,8)/(1,0) 1
scopus 2021-04 Iraqi journal of science أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Weyl Module Resolution Res (6,6,4;0,0) in the Case of Characteristic Zero 2
local 2021-07 Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن The Resolution of Three- Mowed Weyl Module in the case of (7, 6, 3) / (1, 0, 0) 3
local 2021-04 Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Outcomes for the skew-partition (6, 6, 3) / (1, 1, 0) 4
local 2021-04 Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Results for Skew-Shape(????, ????, ????)/(????, ????) 5
scopus 2021-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Resolution of Weyl module for two-rowed in the case (8,7) / (????, ????) where ???? = ????, � 6
scopus 2021-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Resolution o???? Weyl Module in the case ???????? skew partitions (9,7)/(????,0), when ???? = ????, ???? 7
scopus 2020-04 technology reports for kansai university أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن consequence for the skew shape (8,9) / (2,0) 8
scopus 2020-04 technology reports for kansai university أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Lascoux Resolution of Weyl Module in the Case of Partition (5,4,4) 9
scopus 2020-04 technology reports for kansai university أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Results for Some Groups of PSL (2, F) 10
scopus 2020-04 technology reports for kansai university أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Complex of Lascoux in the General Case of Three Rows 11
local 2020-10 Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن The Complex of Lascoux in the Case of partition (7,7,3) 12
local 2019-10 Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Complex of Lascoux in the case of skew-partition (6, 5, 3)/(ȶ , 0, 0) ; where ȶ=1,2 13
other_w 2016-05 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Application of the resolution of the characteristic-free resolution of Weyl module to Lascoux resolution in case (6,6,3) 14
local 2010-11 AL- Mustansiriya J. Sci أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن On the resolution of Wely module in the case of tworowed skew-shape (p+t,q)/(t 15
scopus 2020-06 IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Application between the characteristic-free resolution and Lascoux resolution in the skew- shape (8,6,3)/(u,1) where u = 1 and 2 16
scopus 2020-03 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Complex of Characteristic Zero in the Skew-Shape (8, 6, 3) / (u,1) where u = 1 and 2 17
scopus 2020-03 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Application of the Two Rowed Weyl Module in the Case of Partitions (7,7) and (7, 7) / (1, 0) 18
scopus 2020-02 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن The Resolution of Weyl Module for Two Rows in Special Case of the Skew- Shape 19
scopus 2020-01 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Resolution for the two-rowed weyl module inThe cases of (6,5) / (1,0) and (6,5) / (2,0) 20
scopus 2019-08 IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Characteristic Zero Resolution of Weyl Module in the Case of the Partition (8,7,3) 21
other_w 1991-05 Dirasat Journal, University of Jordan أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن maximal, prime and primary submodules of finitely generated multiplication module 22
scopus 2018-12 Baghdad Science Journal أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن On Free Resolution of Weyl Module and Zero Characteristic Resolution In The Case of Partition (8,7,3) 23
thomson 2018-08 Science International-Lahore أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن A Complex of Characteristic Zero in the Case of the Partition (8,7,3) 24
scopus 2018-05 Journal of Physics:Conference Series أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Application of Weyl Module In The Case Of Two Rows 25
local 2010-01 AL- Mustansiriya Journal Science أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن On the resolution of Wely module in the case of two rowed skew-shape (p+t,q)/(t,0) 26
local 2012-03 Ibn Al-Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Science أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن The Reduction of Resolution of Weyl Module from Characteristic-Free Resolution in Case (4,4,3) 27
local 2013-06 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Complex of Lascoux in Partition (4,4,4) 28
other_w 2015-09 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Complex of Lascoux in Partition (6,6,3) 29
other_w 2016-03 International Journal of Engineering Research And Management (IJERM) أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Complex of Lascoux in Partition (6,5,3) 30
other_w 2016-05 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Application of the resolution of the characteristic-free resolution of Weyl module to Lascoux resolution in case (6,6,3) 31
other_w 2016-12 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Complex of Lascoux in the Case of Partition (7,6,3) 32
other_w 2016-12 International Journal of Mathematical Archive أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن RESOLUTION OF WEYL MODULE IN THE CASE OF PARTITION (7, 6, 3) 33
scopus 2018-04 International Mathematical Forum أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن On ΓR-Free Gamma Modules 34
scopus 2018-01 International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن ΓR-Pure and ΓR-Trace Gamma Submodule of ΓR-Projective Gamma Modules 35
scopus 2018-06 International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن ΓR-Multiplication and ΓR-Projective Gamma Modules 36
scopus 2018-12 International Journal of Algebra أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن On ΓR- Projective Gamma Modules 37
local 2015-06 Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied أ.د . هيثم رزوقي حسن Complex of Lascoux in Partition (3,3,2) 38