أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس

كلية العلوم - قسم الكيمياء

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2022 Current Cosmetic Science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Analytical methods and GAPI assessment used for determination of toxic metals in commercially cosmetics products: Review 1
scopus 2021 Indonesian Journal of Chemistry أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Azo Dye Adsorption onto Cobalt Oxide: Isotherm, Kinetics, and Error Analysis Studies 2
local 2021 Muthanna Journal of Pure Science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس An Overview of Using Error function in Adsorption Isotherm Modeling 3
thomson 2021` Desalination and Water Treatment أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution by using polyaniline/polycarbonates nanofibers composite: central composite design, isotherm, and error analysis 4
scopus 2021 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Chemistry and synthesis of Bis Pyrazole derivatives and their biological activity: a review 5
scopus 24-2-2021 Materials today:proceeding أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Synthesis and characterization of a novel benzimidazole derivative: Solvatochromic and acid-base indicator applications 6
local 20-8-2020 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Different Mathematical Spectrophotometric Methods for Determination of Ampyrone in Presence of Its Acid Degradation Product 7
scopus 2020 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس High Performance Liquid Chromatographic and Area under Curve spectrophotometric Methods for Estimation of Cefixime in Pure and Marketed Formulation: A Comparative Study 8
thomson 2020 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Removal of Eriochrome Black T Dye by Using Al2O3 Nanoparticles: Central Composite Design, Isotherm and Error Analysis 9
local 2020 مجلة سامراء للعلوم الصرفة والتطبيقية أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Applications of aluminum oxide and nano aluminum oxide as adsorbents: review 10
scopus 2020 Egyptian Journal of Chemistry أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Spectrophotometric Determination of Paracetamol using a Newly Synthesized Chromogenic Reagent 4-[(2-amino-1, 3thiazol-4-yl)amino]nitro benzene 11
scopus 23-5-2020 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس High Performance Liquid Chromatographic and Area under Curve spectrophotometric Methods for Estimation of Cefixime in Pure and Marketed Formulation: A Comparative Study 12
local 29-3-2020 مركز السبط التخصصي أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس مستحضرات التجميل والعناصر الثقيلة 13
thomson 2019 current analytical chemistry أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Smartphone Digital Image Using for Determination of DCH by a Diazotization Reaction 14
thomson 24-10-2019 Materials Today: Proceedings أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Removal of Eriochrom Black T from aqueous solution using Al2O3 surface: Linear and non-linear isotherm models, error analysis and thermodynamic studies 15
local 1-11-2018 Journal Of Wassit For Science & Medicine أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Zero order and first Derivative Spectrophotometric Determination of pb (II) by Complex with N, N'-cyclohexane-l, 2-diylidene-bis (4-methaxybenzoythydrazide)(CHMBH) 16
local 2019 Al-Nahrain Journal of Science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Isotherm and pH Effect Studies of Tetracycline Drug Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Cobalt Oxide Surface 17
scopus 2019 Egyptian journal of chemistry أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Kinetics study of Removal Doxycycline drug from aqueous solution using Aluminum Oxide surface 18
scopus 2019 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Synthesis and antibacterial activity of some new derivatives containing thiazole moietyand study of their effects on MAO enzyme activity (invitro) 19
local 2018 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Fourth Derivative and Compensated Area under the Curve Spectrophotometric Methods Used for Analysis Meloxicam in the Local Market Tablet 20
thomson october 2018 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Removal of doxycycline hyclate by adsorption onto cobalt oxide at three different temperatures: isotherm, thermodynamic and error analysis 22
local 2018 Journal of Kufa for Chemical Science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Synthesis, Characterization and Anti Microbial Activity of Some New Derivatives Containing Imidazol Moiety 23
local ٢٠١٨-٠٥ Ibn AL- Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Two Derivative Spectrophotometric Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of 4-AminoAntipyrine in Presence of Its Acidic Products 24
local ٢٠١٧-٠٩ journal of al nahrain university أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Estimation of the Folic Acid Using Zero Order, Area Under Curve and First Derivative Spectrophotometric Methods in Pure and Marketed Tablet Formulations 25
local ٢٠١٦-٠٨ almustansiriyah journal of science أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Spectrophotometric Determination of Doxycycline Hyclate in Pure and Capsule using Diazotization Reaction 26
scopus 2017 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Metal-Ligand Stability Constants and Thermodynamic Study of Mn(II) and Cd(II) Metal Ion Complexes with the ligand 2-Oxo-2H-Chromene-3-Carbohydrazide 27
scopus 2017 International Journal of ChemTech Research أ.م . ربا فهمي عباس Spectrophotometric Determination Stability Constant by Classical and Modified Varagas Equations for Procaine Penicillin G using Diazotization Reaction Depending On Stoichiometric Curves 28