

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2019-08 The 7th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology. . Pharmacognostical And Phytochemical Studies of Iraqi Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 1
scopus 2019-08 Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. . Tamarix Aphylla L.: A Review 2
scopus 2018-10 Journal of Global Pharma Technology . Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Studies of Iraqi Neem Plant (Meliaazedarachta L.) 3
scopus 2018-06 Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology . Isolation of Terpene and Pharmacognostical Study of Iraqi Caper Shrubs (Capparis spinosa ) L. 4
scopus 2018-07 Journal of Global Pharma Technology . Pharmacognostical Study and Isolation of Terpene of Iraqi Quisqualis Indica L. 5
scopus 2017-01-02 National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology . Agriculture , active compounds investigation of Cola herb ( Artemisia abrotanum L.) recently introduced in Iraq" 6
scopus 2016-08-01 International journal of pharmaceutical sciences review and research . Phytochemical Study and Antibacterial Activity of Crude Alkaloids and Mucilage of Cordia myxa in Iraq 7