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عدد زيارات البروفايل (4613)   


تحميل تاريخ رفع المحاضرة نوع الملف المرحلة القسم الكلية اسم المحاضرة ت

السيرة الذاتية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2020-10 Ibn Al Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Science أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Surface Contamination and Dose Rate Verification of Fertilizers common in Iraqi Plantations using RadEye B20 Detector 1
scopus 2020-05 Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Applications An International Journal أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Radiation hazard of Chemical Fertilizers used in Growing Agriculture Crops in Iraq 2
scopus 2020-05 The 8th InternationaJournal of Radiation and Nuclear Applications An International Journall Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST 2020) أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Effects of Changing the Exposure Time of CR-39 Detector to Alpha Particles on Etching Conditions 3
scopus 2020-12 The 8th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST 2020) أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Optimum heating technique's in etching LR-115 nuclear track detector 4
thomson 2021-02 International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Determining the natural radioactivity of spices widely used in Iraq 5
thomson 2021-04 Environ Monit Assess أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم The plant transfer factor of natural radionuclides and the soil radiation hazard of some crops 6
scopus 2020-12 Materials Today: Proceedings أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Development of alpha tracks measurement with thermal oven as an etching technique for SSNTDs 7
other_w 2018-12 World News of Natural Sciences أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Measurement the natural radioactivity of Sheep meat samples from Karbala governorate 8
scopus 2020-08 The 7th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST 2019) أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Activity concentration and radiometric hazards in meat and bone cow samples from Karbala governorate 9
local 2020-10 Ibn Al Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Science أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Surface Contamination and Dose Rate Verification of Fertilizers common in Iraqi Plantations using RadEye B20 Detector 10
other_w 2020-03 World Scient i f ic News أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Estimation of the Radiation Hazards Indices of Organic Fertilizers Using NaI(Tl) Gamma Spectrometer 11
other_w 2020-05 Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Applications An International Journal أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Radiation hazard of Chemical Fertilizers used in Growing Agriculture Crops in Iraq 12
scopus 2020-12 The 8th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST 2020) 2020 أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Optimum heating technique's in etching LR-115 nuclear track detector 13
other_w 2020-05 Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Applications An International Journal 2020 أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Effects of Changing the Exposure Time of CR-39 Detector to Alpha Particles on Etching Conditions 14
thomson 2021-01 Materials Today: Proceedings أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Development of alpha tracks measurement with thermal oven as an etching technique for SSNTDs 15
other_w 2019-07 Plant أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Radiation Hazards Indices of Silhouette Plants in Spring and Summer Seasons 16
scopus 2019-03 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering & Science (IConMEAS 2019) أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Transfer factor of natural radionuclides from soil to silhouette plants using gamma spectroscopy 17
scopus 2019-08 Journal of Physical Science أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Correlation between the Track Density and Absorbance of Alpha Particles using CR-39 Detectors from UV-Visible Spectrum 18
scopus 2019-08 AIP Conference Proceedings 2144 أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Activity concentration and radiometric hazards in meat and bone cow samples from Karbala governorate 19
scopus 2019-05 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Safe 241Am–Be Neutron Source from Alpha Point Resource 20
thomson 2019-03 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Radiation hazards of the moassel consumed in Baghdad /Iraq using NaI (Tl) gamma spectroscopy 21
other_w 2016-03 Pelagia Research Library أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Measurement of natural radioactivity in Al-Dora Refinery by using (HPGe) detector 22
other_w 2016-04 Detection, أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Studying Different Etching Methods Using CR-39 Nuclear Track Detector 23
other_w 2010-08 ATTI DELLA “FONDAZIONE GIORGIO RONCHI” أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Determination of Radon and Thoron concentration in different kinds of local and imported tobacco samples 24
scopus 2009-02-05 Jordan Medical Journal أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Studying the Natural Radioactivity in Some Tobacco Cigarettes Imported to Iraq from Unknown Origins 25
thomson 2018-01 Applied Radiation and Isotopes أ.د . ندى فرحان كاظم Investigation of the favorable etching time of CN-85 nuclear track detector 26

المحاضرات الفيديوية



External and Internal radiation

Sources of radiation
