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«سورة العلق، الآيات 1 - 5».

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البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
science 2015-06 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJ أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Estimating Mathematical Model for Additive Signal Dependent Noise in Captured Images under Low Lightness Conditions 1
scopus 2021-06 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Using Digital Image Processing in analyzing Air Pollutants’ Effects for two Smoke Types Upon a Colored Tested Image 2
local 2018-06 Journal of College of Education أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Determine Distortion in a Color Target Behind Moving Object 3
local 2018-06 Journal of College of Education أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Friction Detection and Modeling for Damped Pendulum Motion using Image Processing Technique 4
local 2018-06 Journal of College of Education أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Estimate Extended Arc-Length Model in Smart Phone Images for a Rotate Target 5
scopus 2018-06 Journal of College of Education أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Measure liquid viscosity depends on the pendulum model using image processing algorithms 6
scopus 2021-06 Baghdad Science Journal أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي New algorithms to Enhanced Fused Images from Auto-Focus Images 7
scopus 2020-06 AIP Conference Proceedings أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Statistical analysis of sattelite images merge techniques based on edge detection 8
scopus 2020-06 AIP Conference Proceedings أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي ON/OFF switch control of smart home prototype using palm and fist hand gesture 9
local 2019-06 Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Machine Intelligent System Algorithm to Recognize Different Shaped Color Targets 10
local 2020-06 وقائع املؤمتر العلمي العشرون للعلوم الطبيعية والرياضة االفرتاضي / كلية الرتبية االساسية/ اجلامعة املشتنصرية وبالتعاون مع مؤسشة العراقة للثقافة والتنمية أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Numerals Recognition System using Feature Extraction and Minimum Distance Technique 11
scopus 2020-01 NeuroQuantology أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي General Model to Find Shadow Length for different Objects 12
local 2019-01 College of Education Journal أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Adaptive OCR Technique for Arabic Characters 13
scopus 2019-01 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering The Second International Scientific Conference (Pure Sciences, Brilliant Creativity and Renewed Building) أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Modelling Vision Angles of Optical Camera Zoom Using Image Processing Algorithm 14
scopus 2020-01 NeuroQuantology أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Adaptive Method for Landsat ETM+ Gap Filling using Successive Temporal Images 15
scopus 2020-01 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Adopting Texture Features to Detect and Recognize Brain Tumors in Magnetic Resonance Images 16
local 2016-01 JOURNAL OFCOLLEGE OF EDUCATION أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Determine the Best Mathematical Model for the Camera Viewing Angle as a Function of Object Distance 17
scopus 2019-01 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Measure liquid viscosity by tracking falling ball Automatically depending on image processing algorithm 18
scopus 2019-01 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Recognize printed Arabic letter using new geometrical features 19
scopus 2019-01 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Optical Images Fusion Based on Linear Interpolation Methods 20
local 2018-01 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Performance parameters evaluation of surface plasmon resonance based fiber optic sensor with different bilayer metals: Theoretical study. 21
local 2016-01 Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Determine the Best Mathematical Model for the Camera Viewing Angle as a Function of Object Distance 22
local 2017-01 Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Movi-color target analysis based on using minimum distance classification 23
science 2018-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Enhance Video Film using Retnix method 24
science 2014-01 International Journal of Computer Applications أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Estimation of the Deposited Aerosol Particles in Baghdad City, using Image Processing Technique 25
science 2016-07 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Design study and Modeling of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)-based Optical Fiber Sensor Utilizing Zinc Oxide and Gold Layers 26
other_w 2018-07 International Journal of Computer Applications أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Study the Quality of Image Enhancement by using Retinex Technique which Capture by different Lighting (Sun and Tungsten) 27
science 2015-04-01 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4 أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Estimate Mathematical Model to Calculate the View Angle Depending on the Camera Zoom 28
science 2012-11-12 First International Conference of Remote Sensing and Image Processing أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Evaluate Retinex Enhancement Method for Captured Images at Different Camera Aperture Using Minimum Distance 29
science 2012-01-12 Iraqi Journal of science أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Studying for the Enhancement Captured Images at Different Lightness Directions and Levels Distribution Based on Using Histogram Equalization Method 30
science 2013-01-05 Al- Mustansiriyah J. Sci. Vol. 24, No 5 أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Comparative Study of Multi-Scale Retinex with Adaptive and Integrated Neighborhood-Dependent Enhancement Methods for Captured Images at Different Camera Aperture 31
science 2015-11-01 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Estimating Mathematical Model for Additive Signal Dependent Noise in Captured Images under Low Lightness Conditions 32
science 2016 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي A feed-forward Hopfield neural network algorithm (FHNNA) with a colour satellite image for water quality mapping 33
science 2017/3/7 IEEE-New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications (NTICT), Annual Conference on 2017 أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي Built background image using correlation method 34
science December 2013 International Journal of Computer Applications أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي A Fuzzy logic based handwritten Numeral Recognition system 35
science 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) أ.م . انوار حسن مهدي A Fuzzy Based Feature Extraction Approach for Handwritten Characters 36

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