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سورة المجادلة (آية 11)

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تحميل تاريخ رفع المحاضرة نوع الملف المرحلة القسم الكلية اسم المحاضرة ت
2018/12/19 pdf 1 قسم الفيزياء كلية العلوم Energy band 1

السيرة الذاتية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2016-12 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Simple Hydrothermal synthesis of the ZnO hexagonal nanotubes 1
other_w 2013-02 International Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences(IJANS) أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري ZNO: AL NANOSTRUCTUR GAS SENSOR BY SPRAY PYROLYSIS 2
local 2009-01 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Fulltext Effect of Thermal Annealing On the Optical and Structure Properties of Znse Thin Films 3
local 2010-01 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري https://www.iasj.net/iasj?func=article&aId=96175 4
other_w 2011-01 Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Fabrication and study of photovoltaic properties of CdO/Si heterojunctions 5
local 2011-01 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Fulltext Preparation and Study the Characterization of CdO Thin Films Obtained By Rapid Thermal Oxidation (RTO) 6
other_w 2013-02 International Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences(IJANS) أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري ZnO:Al NANOSTRUCTUR GAS SENSOR BY SPRAY PYROLYSIS 7
other_w 2014-10 Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Calcination Temperature Dependent of Hydrothermal Indium Oxide Nanostructures 8
other_w 2015-01 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري https://www.ijirset.com/upload/2015/august/183_IJIRSET-15-370%20-%20Proof.pdf 9
local 2015-01 Journal of College of Education أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Effect substrate type on critical Temperature for BiSrCaCuO superconductor thin film prepared by dc –Sputtering 10
local 2015-01 Journal of College of Education أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Fulltext Synthesis and Characterization of Anatase TiO2 Nanofibers using Electrospinning Method 11
other_w 2015-08 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Synthesis of Fibrous-Like Stripes ZnO: Ce Nano Structures for NO2 and NH3 Sensing 12
other_w 2016-05 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Hydrothermal treatment of electrospun ZnO nanofibers and its photocatalytic properties 13
other_w 2016-06 International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology (IJIET) أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TIN OXIDE NANOPARTICLES USING (PLAL) 14
local 2017-01 Journal of College of Education أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Synthesis of nanorod ZnO-In2O3 as instant response UV photoconductor 15
local 2017-02 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Tin DioxideNanostructure Gas Sensor for Acetone and Methanol Detection 16
other_w 2017-03 Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Novel approach to fabricate polycarbonate antibacterial superhydrophobic surfaces 17
other_w 2017-05 Advances in Nanomaterials أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Study the Effect of Solvent / Non-solvent on Polycarbonate 18
other_w 2017-10 Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Enhanced antibacterial activity of anodic aluminum oxide membranes embedded with nano-silver-titanium dioxide 19
other_w 2018-01 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري GREEN SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES USING CORIANDRUM SATIVUM LEAF EXTRACT 20
scopus 2018-09 Materials Science-Poland أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Synthesis of ZnO-CuO flower-like hetero-nanostructures as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sensor at room temperature 21
local 2018-01 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Flexible Sandwich Piezoelectric Nanogenerators based ZnO Nanorods for Mechanical Energy Harvesting 22
local 2018-01 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Novel fabrication of Ag nanostructures by template-based and photo reduction method 23
other_w 2018-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Effect shapes of nanorods, nanowires and nanobelts TiO2 on the degradation of MB photo catalyst. 24
other_w 2018-10 American Journal of Nanosciences أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surface of ZnO Thin Films by Using Oleic Acid 25
local 2013-01 Journal of College of Education أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Fabrication And Study Of ZnO: AlThinfilm Nanostructure By Spray Pyrolysis 26
other_w 2015-10 Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Free catalyst growth of indium oxide nanostructures and their structural and optical properties 27
other_w 2016-11 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Hydrothermal controllable synthesis to convert ZnO hexagonal nanotubes to hexagonal nanorods and their photocatalytic application 28
other_w 2018-01 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Novel and simple method to synthesize donut-like TiO2 with photocatalytic activity 29
other_w 2018-02 Materials Technology أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Significantly enhanced antibacterial activity of Ag-doped TiO2 nanofibers synthesized by electrospinning 30
other_w 2014-01 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Effect of Preparation Conditions on Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) Shape’s and Size 31
other_w 2015-06 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Synthesis and characteristics of screen printed ZnO thick films nanostructures grown using different methods 32
thomson 2016-10 Materials Chemistry and Physics أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Structures and emission features of high-density ZnO micro/nanostructure grown by an easy hydrothermal method 33
other_w 2007-12 e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Pulsed Laser Deposition of Crystalline Cd2SnO4 Thin Film 34
thomson 2014-04 Manufacturing Letters أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Hydrothermal growth of ZnO nano rods without catalysts in a single step 35
other_w 2017-01 Surface Engineering أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Novel approach to fabricate a stable superhydrophobic polycarbonate 36
other_w 2016 Ceramics International 42 (12), 13535-13546 أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Controllable ZnO nanostructures evolution via synergistic pulsed laser ablation and hydrothermal methods 37
other_w 2014 Energy Procedia 50, 445-453 أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Chemical route to synthesis hierarchical ZnO thick films for sensor application 38
other_w 2016 Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 78 (2), 299-306 أ.د . رعد سعدون صبري Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of TiO 2 nanoparticles prepared by sol–gel method 39

المحاضرات الفيديوية