
الاستاذالمساعد الدكتورة هدى عبدالله رشيد تدريسية في كلية العلوم / قسم الرياضيات / الجامعة المستنصرية.
الاختصاص العام احصاء Statistics والاختصاص الدقيق احصاء تطبيقي Applied Statistics.

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تحميل تاريخ رفع المحاضرة نوع الملف المرحلة القسم الكلية اسم المحاضرة ت
2021/03/28 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم التوزيع الطبيعي 1
2021/03/28 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم التوزيع الهندسي 2
2021/03/21 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم Covariance and Correlation Coefficient2 3
2021/03/20 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم Joint Moment Generating Function 4
2021/03/20 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم The Conditional Expectation and Conditional Variance 5
2021/03/20 docx 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم The conditional Distributions 6
2021/03/20 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم Covariance and the correlation coefficient 7
2021/03/20 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم independence of two random variables 8
2021/03/20 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم Distribution of two random variables and the marginal probability function 9
2021/03/19 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم Moment Generating Function, The Median and The Mode 10
2021/03/19 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم المحاضرة الاولى والثانية 11
2020/03/26 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم Joint Moment Generating Function 12
2020/03/24 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم Conditional Mean and Conditional Variance 13
2020/03/23 pdf 3 قسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم Conditional Distributions 14

السيرة الذاتية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2021-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Parameters Estimation of Gamma distribution at Various Loss Functions 1
other_w 2014-06 Mathematical Theory and Modeling أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayes Estimators for the Shape Parameter of Pareto Type I Distribution under Generalized Square Error Loss Function 2
scopus 2015-07 Advances in Environmental Biology أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Estimation for the Scale Parameter of Laplace Distribution 3
local 2017-06 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Comparison of Bayes Estimators for Parameter and Reliability Function for Inverse Rayleigh Distribution by Using Generalized Square Error Loss Function 4
local 2017-06 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Some Bayes Estimators for Maxwell Distribution by Using New Loss Function 5
other_w 2015-06 nternational Journal of Advanced Research أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Using Generalized Square Loss Function to Estimate the Shape Parameter of the Burr Type XII Distribution 6
scopus 2019-06 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Estimate the Two Parameters of Gamma Distribution Under Entropy Loss Function 7
local 2019-02 Ibn Al-Haitham Jour.for Pure&Appl.Sci. أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Estimation for Two Parameters of Gamma Distribution Under Precautionary Loss Function 8
scopus 2019-06 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Estimation for Two Parameters of Gamma Distribution under Generalized Weighted Loss Function 9
local 2020-04 Ibn Al Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Inference for the Parameter and Reliability Function of Basic Gompertz Distribution under Precautionary loss Function 10
scopus 2020-06 Iraqi Journal of Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Estimation for the Parameters and Reliability Function of Basic Gompertz Distribution under Squared Log Error Loss Function 11
local 2020-07 Ibn Al Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Estimation of the Reliability Function of Basic Gompertz Distribution under Different Priors 12
scopus 2020-09 Baghdad Science Journal أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian and Non -Bayesian Inference for Shape Parameter and Reliability Function of Basic Gompertz Distribution 13
scopus 2020-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Series أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Inference for Reliability Function of Gompertz Distribution 14
local 2018-08 Journal of Iraqi Al-Khwarizmi Society (JIKhS) أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد ComparingSomeEstimatorsoftheParameterofBasicGompertzdistribution 15
local 2014 Al- Mustansiriyah J. Sci. أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayes Estimators for the Reliability Function of Pareto Type I Distribution Under Squared-Log Error Loss Function 16
science 2012 مجلة كلية التربية أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayes' Estimators for the Mean of Rayleigh Distribution with Different Priors 17
local 2013 Al- Mustansiriyah J. Sci. أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Using Entropy Loss Function to Estimate the Scale Parameter for Laplace Distribution 18
local 2016 Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Estimate the Scale Parameter of Laplace Distribution By Using Generalized Loss Function 20
science 2015 Mathematical Theory and Modeling أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Minimax Estimation of the Scale Parameter of Laplace Distribution under Squared-Log Error Loss Function 21
science 2016 Mathematics and Statistics Journal أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Approach in Estimation of Scale Parameter of Inverse Rayleigh distribution 22
science 2016 Mathematics and Statistics Journal أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Semi-Minimax Estimators of Maxwell Distribution under New Loss Function 23
local 2011 Al-Mustansiriyah J. Sci أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Comparison of the Bayesian Estimations under Different Loss Function and Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Rayleigh Distribution 25
local 2015 Fac Med Baghdad أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد The Importance of Auto-antibodies in the aborted Females with toxoplasmosis 26
local 2010 Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Science أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Some Robust Tests for the Correlation Coefficient: A Comparative Study 27
science 2012 المجلة الدولية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Minimax Estimation of the Scale Parameter of the Laplace Distribution under Quadratic Loss Function 28
science 2014 Journal of Advances in Mathematics أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayes Estimators of the Scale Parameter of an Inverse Weibull Distribution under two different Loss Functions 29
science 2015 International Journal of Advanced Research أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Estimation of the Scale Parameter for Inverse Gamma Distribution under Linex Loss Function 30
science 2015 International Journal of Advanced Research أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayes Estimator for the Scale Parameter of Laplace distribution under a Suggested Loss Function 31
local 2013 Journal of Al Rafidain University College أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Minimax estimation of the parameter of the Maxwell distribution under quadratic loss function 32
local 2014 Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Some Bayes’ estimators for Laplace distribution under different loss functions 33
science 2015 International Journal of Advanced Research أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد A Comparison of the Classical Estimators with the Bayes Estimators of One Parameter Inverse Rayleigh Distribution 34
science December 2014 International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Estimation for the Reliability Function of Pareto Type I Distribution under Generalized Square Error Loss Function 35
scopus 2010 Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Robust Method for Sensitivity Analysis in Simulation Model/a Comparison Study 36
local 2011 Baghdad Science Journal أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Numeral Recognition Using Statistical Methods Comparison Study 37
science Dec 07, 2015 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Minimax Estimation of the Scale Parameter of the Laplace Distribution under Different Loss Function 38
science March 2016 Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayes Estimators For The Maxwell Distribution Under Quadratic Loss Function Using Different Priors 39
science 30 September 2016 Mathematics and Statistics Journal أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Reliability Estimation in Inverse Rayleigh Distribution using Precautionary Loss Function 40
science November 2016 Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian inference for Parameter and Reliability function of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution Under Modified Squared Error Loss Function 41
science December 2016 Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayesian Approach of One Parameter Maxwell Distribution under Two Different Loss Functions 42
science 06 July 2017 Mathematics and Statistics Journal أ.م.د . هدى عبدالله رشيد Bayes Estimator for Inverse Rayleigh Distribution under Generalized Weighted Loss Function 43

المحاضرات الفيديوية

Joint Moments

Joint moment generating function