
Mathematical Statistics and Reliability

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السيرة الذاتية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2021-11 Baghdad Science Journal أ.د . ندى صباح كرم [PDF] from researchgate.net Comparing Weibull Stress -Strength Reliability Bayesian Estimators for singly type II censored data under different loss functions 1
scopus 2021-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Reliability of n-Cascade Stress-Strength P (X< Y< Z) System for four different distributions 2
scopus 2021-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Stress-Strength Reliability for P(T < X < Z) using Dagum Distribution 3
scopus 2021-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Reliability Estimation of a Component exposed to k Stresses for Gompertz-Frechet distribution 4
scopus 2019-12 Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Reliability of Multi-Component Stress-Strength System Estimation for generalized Lomax Distribution 5
scopus 2019-07 Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Generalized inverse Rayleigh reliability estimation for the (2+1) cascade model 6
scopus 2019-06 Baghdad science journal أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Estimating the reliability function of (2+1) cascade model 7
local 2009-09 Journal of the College of Education أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Bayesian Estimation of P(Y 8
local 2012-09 مؤتمر كلية التربيه ال20/ الجامعه المستنصريه أ.د . ندى صباح كرم On Fuzzy Reliability ESTIMATION OF weibull Distribution. 9
local 2013-09 Iraqi Jou. Of Sciencs أ.د . ندى صباح كرم System Reliability Estimations of Models using Exponentiated Exponential distribution 10
local 2009-09 Journal of College of Education أ.د . ندى صباح كرم The use of (PCA) and (FA) to study some of polutants in Baghdad City" Al-Russafa Side" 11
other_w 2015-08 MAGISTRA أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Non-Bayesian and Bayesian Reliability Estimation for Gamma stress- weibull strength models 12
other_w 2017-05 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Bayesian Analyses of the Stress-Strength Gompertz Reliability Model under Singly Type II Censored Samples 13
local 2017-10 Education college conference أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Reliability Estimation for A Component Exposed Four Independent Stresses Based on Frecht Distribution 14
science 2017-12 Mathematical Theory and Modeling أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Frechet Cascade Stress-Strength System Reliability 15
science 2016-11 Mathematical Theory and Modeling أ.د . ندى صباح كرم One , Two and Multi-Component Gompertz Stress- strength Reliability Estimation 16
scopus 2018-05 Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability أ.د . ندى صباح كرم An Enhanced Approach for Biomedical Image Restoration Using Image Fusion Techniques 17
scopus 2017-03-09 Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications-(NTICT'2017) أ.د . ندى صباح كرم The Lomax Bayesian Estimation under a Logarithm loss function 18
science 2016-08-08 IISTE-Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling أ.د . ندى صباح كرم Reliability Estimation for a Component Exposed Two, Three Independent Stresses Based on Weibull and InversLindley Distribution 19

المحاضرات الفيديوية




طريقة الدالة المولده للعزوم لايجاد توزيعات المتغيرات

توزيعات الدوال

خصائص التقدير

خواص المقدر/ Sufficiency

نظرية Rao-Blackwell

خاصية Completness

خاصية efficiency

خاصية Consistency

خاصية uniqneness

التقدير بفتره١

التقدير بفتره رقم ٢

التقدير بفتره 3

تقدير الفتره رقم ٤

التقدير بفتره رقم ٥

IntervalEstimation 6

Interval Estimation 7