
تحية عطرة
اهلاً بكل الزائرين
بطاقة تعريفية : ا.د.حيــــــدر محمـــــد جفال
مجال البحث : انتقال الحرارة, الطاقة المتاحة ,ابراج التبريد, الطاقة الشمسية , ديناميك الهواء, المشتتات الحرارية
نصيحتي لطلبتي: لكي تحققوا اهدافكم احذفوا كلمة (سوف) من حياتكم وتذكروا دائما قول الله عز وجل :وَقُلِ اعْمَلُواْ فَسَيَرَى اللّهُ عَمَلَكُمْ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ
وفقكم الله في دراستكم وكلل جهودكم بالنجاح

عدد زيارات البروفايل (7709)   


تحميل تاريخ رفع المحاضرة نوع الملف المرحلة القسم الكلية اسم المحاضرة ت
2021/01/20 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Second order order ordinary differential equation (3) 1
2021/01/13 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Second order order ordinary differential equation (2) 2
2021/01/01 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Second order order ordinary differential equation (1) 3
2020/12/29 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (5) 4
2020/12/29 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (4) 5
2020/12/29 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (3) 6
2020/12/29 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (2) 7
2020/12/07 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (1) 8
2020/06/28 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region 9
2020/06/21 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework -Partial Derivatives (2020) 10
2020/06/21 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Extreme values and saddle points 11
2020/06/14 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Chain Rule 12
2020/06/14 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Partial derivatives first and second order 13
2020/06/14 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates 14
2020/06/04 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework -Double Integrals (2020) 15
2020/05/17 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Double integration in the polar coordinates 16
2020/05/10 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Changing the order in double integration 17
2020/05/05 pptx 5 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Energy management and applications -Thermal Energy Storage Systems 18
2020/05/05 pptx 5 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Energy management and applications -Heat Recovery Systems 19
2020/05/03 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates 20
2020/04/22 pptx 5 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Energy management and applications -Zero energy building 21
2020/04/22 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة اسئلة امتحانية عن المتسلسلات 22
2020/04/14 pptx 5 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Energy management and applications -Insulations 23
2020/04/01 pptx 5 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Energy management and applications -Degree day method 24
2020/03/29 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة (Infinite sequences and series (1 25
2020/03/21 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework Second order linear differential equations (2020) 26
2020/03/17 pptx 5 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Energy management and applications -Introduction 27
2020/02/15 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework First order ordinary differential equations (2020) 28
2019/05/15 ppt 6 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Drift Flux Model 29
2019/04/28 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework -Partial Derivatives (2019) 30
2019/04/27 ppt 6 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Separated Two-Phase Flow 31
2019/04/22 ppt 6 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Two- phase flow pressure drop caused by sudden expansion and contraction 32
2019/04/12 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework Vectors, equations of lines and planes (2019) 33
2019/04/04 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Quiz 1 (2019) Double Integral 34
2019/03/18 ppt 6 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Two-Phase Multiplier 35
2019/03/18 ppt 6 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homogeneous Two-Phase Flow 36
2019/03/18 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework -Double Integrals 37
2019/03/11 ppt 6 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Flow patterns of liquid-vapor (gas) two-phase flow 38
2019/03/11 ppt 6 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Two Phase Flow – Introduction 39
2019/01/08 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework/ Interval and Radius of Convergence of the Power Series 40
2019/01/07 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework /Convergence Tests for the Series 41
2018/11/29 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework Second order linear differential equations 42
2018/11/11 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework/ First order ordinary differential equations 43
2018/05/14 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Exam 1-4-2018 44
2018/05/03 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Partial Derivatives 45
2018/04/30 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Extreme values and saddle points 46
2018/03/31 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Quiz 1/ double integral 47
2018/03/29 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework/ Vectors, equations of lines and planes 48
2018/03/05 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Homework /double integral 49
2018/01/10 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة series examples 50
2018/01/10 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Quiz (3);series 51
2018/01/06 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Exam1;24-12-2017 52
2018/01/06 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Higher order differential equations 53
2017/12/16 PDF 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the series 54
2017/12/16 PDF 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة ٍseries test 55
2017/12/16 PDF 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Quiz (2): Second order differential equations 56
2017/12/16 PDF 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Quiz (1): First order differential equations 57
2017/03/30 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Lines and planes in space 58
2017/03/30 pdf 2 قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة Changing the order in double integration 59

السيرة الذاتية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
Thomson 2024-12-05 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Analysis of channel configuration effects on heat transfer enhancement in streamline-shaped cold plates used in battery cooling system: A comparative study 1
Scopus 2023-12-10 International Journal of Thermofluids أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Examining the effect of backward/forward-facing wavy channels on the thermohydraulic performance of a printed circuit heat exchanger under the laminar flow regime 2
Scopus 2023-01-08 Results in Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Performance evaluation of a printed circuit heat exchanger with a novel two-way corrugated channel 3
Thomson 2023-01-06 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Numerical and experimental thermohydraulic performance evaluation of multi-minichannel heat sinks considering channel structure modification 4
Scopus 2023-01-05 Results in Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Numerical investigation on heat transfer and fluid flow in a multi-minichannel heat sink: Effect of channel configurations 5
Thomson 2023-01-04 International Journal of Thermal Sciences أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Performance enhancement of a novel serpentine channel cooled plate used for cooling of Li-ion battery module 6
thomson 2021-10 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Thermal performance enhancement of a cooling tower heat sink radiator 8
local 2021-02 Anbar Journal Of Engineering Science أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Influence of Various Types of Twisted Tape inserts on Hydrody-namic, Pressure Drop and Thermal Heat Performance in Heat Ex-changers: A Review Study 9
local 2021-03 Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Augmentation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in corrugated Channel: A Review Study 10
thomson 2021-03 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال The effect of interruptions on thermal characteristics of corrugated tube 11
thomson 2021-01 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Effect of the fluid flow fragmentation on the hydrothermal performance enhancement of a serpentine mini-channel heat sink 12
thomson 2021-01 Applied Thermal Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Performance Evaluation of Serpentine and Multi-channel Heat Sinks Based on Energy and Exergy Analyses 13
other_w 2016-08 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 145(3):1-6 أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Investigation of the effect of packing location on performance of closed wet cooling tower based on exergy analysis 14
other_w 2017-07 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 227(1):012107 أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Parametric study of closed wet cooling tower thermal performance 15
other_w 2017-10 http://www.iaeme.com/IJARET/index.asp 13 [email protected] International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال UTILIZATION SOLAR ENERGY FOR STEAM PRODUCTION September 2017 16
local 2018-04 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Experimental Study on Thermal Performance of Glazed Roof with Phase Change ‎Materials ‎as an Application of Energy Conservation in Residential Buildings 17
local 2018-09 Conference: ‎6th ICNAMA2018 Conference – University of ‎Technology أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Thermal Performance of Animal Fat as a Phase Change Material for Space Heating in ‎Residential Buildings 18
local 2018-12 Academic Journal of Nawroz University أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Thermal Analysis of Integrating Roof with Phase Change Materials for Energy Saving in ‎Residential Buildings 19
local 2019-08 Conference: Second International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Technology SU-ICEIT-2019At: Salahaddin University College of Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Experimental Study of the Impact of Added Packing on Performance Characteristics of Closed Wet Cooling Tower Based on Energy Analysis 20
local 2019-08 Conference: Second International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Technology SU-ICEIT-2019At: Salahaddin University College of Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال The Behavior of Glauber's Salt as a Heat Storage Material for Residential Iraqi Buildings 21
other_w 2018-06 International Journal of Computation and Applied Sciences IJOCAAS أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Performance Characteristics for Different Shapes Pin Fin Heat Sink 22
local 2020-06 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE THERMAL PERFORMANCE BEHAVIOR OF ELECTRIC POWER TRANSFORMERS 23
other_w 2020-08 Engineering Science & Technology أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Enhancement of the Thermal Performance Characteristics of an Electrical Power Transformer 24
scopus 2020-02 Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Effect of Porous Media on The Performance Characteristics of a Concentric Vertical Annular Tube 25
scopus 2020-02 Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Experimental Study of Forced Heat Convection through a Vertical Porous Annuli 26
thomson 2019-02 International Journal of Thermal Sciences أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Performance optimiation of a cylindrical mini-channel heat sink using hybrid straight–wavy channel 27
science 2018-04 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Numerical and experimental investigation of heat transfer in liquid cooling serpentine mini-channel heat sink with different new configuration models 28
thomson 2019-02 Applied Thermal Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Effects of channel configuration on hydrothermal performance of the cylindrical mini-channel heat sinks 29
local 2017-02-28 Journal of University of Duhok (JUD) أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Experimental Study with Using ANFIS to Evaluate the Performance of a Modified Closed Wet Cooling Tower 30
local 2017-01-05 Baghdad University, Journal of Engineering أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال The Effect of Fin Design on Thermal Performance of Heat Sink 31
local 2016-01-04 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال 9. Energy and Exergy Analysis on Modified Closed Wet Cooling Tower in Iraq 32
local 2016-01-05 Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال An Experimental Study on Heat and Mass Transfer for Closed Wet Cooling Tower Using Different Water Distribution Systems 33
local 2016-01-01 Al-Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Experimental Investigation for the Thermal performance of Modified Closed Wet Cooling Tower 34
local 2016-01-01 Journal of Engineering (Eng. J.) أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Thermal Characteristics of Closed Wet Cooling Tower Using Different Heat Exchanger, Tubes Arrangement 35
local 2014-02-01 Al- Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Theoretical Analysis on Thermal Energy Storage using Phase Change Materials Capsules for Solar Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generation System 36
local 2011-01-09 Journal of Engineering and Development أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Effect of Operation Conditions on Exit Water Temperature of Condenser (Atmospheric) by Using Neural Network 37
local 2011-03-02 Eng. & Tech. Journal أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Performance of Cooling Tower with Honeycomb Packing 38
local 2010-01-12 Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Modeling and Optimization of Salt- Gradient Solar Pond Located in Baghdad 39
local 2010-08-12 Anbar Journal for Engineering Sciences أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Forward Swept Wing 40
local 2009-01-06 Journal of Engineering and Development أ.د . حيدر محمد جفال Numerical Modeling of Wire and Tube Condenser Used in Domestic Refrigerators 41

المحاضرات الفيديوية

Undetermined coefficient method-1

Undetermined coefficient method-2

Undetermined coefficient method-3

Undetermined coefficient method-4

Undetermined coefficient method-5

Undetermined coefficient method-6

Undetermined coefficient method-7

Variation of parameters method-1

Variation of parameters method-2

Infinite sequences and series1

Infinite sequences and series 2

Infinite sequences and series 3

Infinite sequences and series 4

Infinite sequences and series 5

Infinite sequences and series 6

Infinite sequences and series 7

Infinite sequences and series 8

Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates-1

Double integration in the cartesien coordinates-2

Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates-3

Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates-4

Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates-5

Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates-6

Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates-7

Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates-8

Double integration in the Cartesian coordinates-9

Changing the order in double integration-1

Changing the order in double integration-2

Changing the order in double integration-3

Changing the order in double integration-4

Changing the order in double integration-5

Changing the order in double integration-6

Changing the order in double integration-7

Changing the order in double integration-8

Changing the order in double integration-9

Double integration in the polar coordinates-1

Double integration in the polar coordinates-2

Double integration in the polar coordinates-3

Double integration in the polar coordinates-4

Double integration in the polar coordinates-5

Double integration in the polar coordinates-6

Double integration in the polar coordinates-7

Double integration in the polar coordinates-8

Double integration in the polar coordinates-9

Double integration in the polar coordinates-10

Double integration in the polar coordinates-11

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-1

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-2

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-3

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-4

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-5

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-6

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-7

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-8

Changing cartesian integral into polar coordinates-9

Partial derivatives first and second order (1)

Partial derivatives first and second order (2)

Partial derivatives first and second order (3)

Partial derivatives first and second order (4)

Partial derivatives first and second order (5)

Partial derivatives first and second order (6)

Chain Rule (1)

Chain Rule (2)

Chain Rule (3)

Chain Rule (4)

Chain Rule (5)

Chain Rule (6)

Chain Rule (7)

Chain Rule (8)

Chain Rule (9)

Chain Rule (10)

Extreme values and saddle points (1)

Extreme values and saddle points (2)

Extreme values and saddle points (3)

Extreme values and saddle points (4)

Extreme values and saddle points (5)

Extreme values and saddle points (6)

Extreme values and saddle points (7)

Extreme values and saddle points (8)

Extreme values and saddle points (9)

Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region (1)

Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region (2)

Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region (3)

Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region (4)

Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region (5)

Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region (6)

Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region (7)

Absolute maxima and minima on closed bounded region (8)

Differential Equations

Differential Equations

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable1)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable1)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable2)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable2)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable3)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable3)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable4)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable4)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable5)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable5)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable6)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable6)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable7)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable7)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable8)

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Seprable8)

Homogenous (1)

Homogenous (1)

Homogenous (2)

Homogenous (2)

Homogenous (3)

Homogenous (3)

Homogenous (4)

Homogenous (4)

Homogenous (5)

Homogenous (5)

Homogenous (6)

Homogenous (6)

Homogenous (7)

Homogenous (7)

Homogenous (8)

Homogenous (8)

Homogenous (9)

Homogenous (9)

Homogenous (10)

Homogenous (10)






















linear (1)

linear (1)

linear (2)

linear (2)

linear (2)

linear (3)

linear (3)

linear (4)

linear (4)

linear (5)

linear (5)

linear (6)

linear (6)

linear (6)

linear (7)

linear (7)

linear (8)

linear (8)

linear (9)

linear (9)

linear (10)

linear (10)

Bernoulli (1)

Bernoulli (1)

Bernoulli (2)

Bernoulli (2)

Bernoulli (3)

Bernoulli (3)

Bernoulli (4)

Bernoulli (4)

Bernoulli (5)

Bernoulli (5)

Bernoulli (6)

Bernoulli (6)

Bernoulli (7)

Bernoulli (7)

Bernoulli (8)

Bernoulli (8)

Bernoulli (9)

Bernoulli (9)

Bernoulli (10)

Bernoulli (10)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (1)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (1)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (2)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (2)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (3)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (3)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (4)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (4)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (5)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (5)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (6)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (6)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (7)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (7)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (8)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (8)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (9)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (9)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (9)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (10)

Homogeneous second order order ordinary differential equation (10)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 1)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 1)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 2)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 2)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 3)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 3)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 4)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 4)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 5)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 5)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 6)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 6)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 7)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 7)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 8)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 8)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 9)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 9)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 10)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 10)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 11)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 11)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 12)

Second order ODE undetermined coefficients method ( 12)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (1)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (1)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (2)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (2)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (3)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (3)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (4)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (4)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (5)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (5)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (6)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (6)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (6)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (7)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (7)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (8)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (8)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (9)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (9)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (10)

Second order ODE variation of parameters method (10)